So much for the rumors that Chuck Colson has buried the hatchet.
Colson was "shocked" by Felt's resignation because he considered the FBI official "trustworthy." Leaking evidence of criminal conduct in the White House to Woodward and Bernstein was "dishonorable." Felt's moral imperative, Colson said, was to confront Nixon or resign. Applauding Felt, Colson told Christianity Today, is "terrible" because it teaches our children "Machiavellian ethics."
It gets worse. Colson's Web site enthusiastically links those looking for "a Christian perspective on today's news and culture" to a deplorable column by Peggy Noonan in The Wall Street Journal in which Noonan argues that Felt "helped produce" a weakened president, the fall of Saigon, "the rise of a monster named Pol Pot" and "the butchering of children in the South China Sea."
Colson is willing to promote Noonan's gibberish because she annoints him as the real hero of Watergate: "Colson functioned in the Nixon White House as a genuinely bad man, went to prison and emerged a genuinely good man . . . He paid the price, told the truth, blamed no one but himself, and turned his shame into something helpful. Children aren't dead because of him. There are children who are alive because of him."
In the meantime, Colson regularly violates his own belief that "Christians should never get enmeshed in a partisan agenda." His commentaries in recent months barely mention the Gospels as they champion Bush, celebrate the godly war in Iraq, rage against the "unfit characters" who support the "constitutional travesty" of the filibuster, and offer a misleading, dishonest and vindictive argument in the Terri Schiavo case.