Minnis is sitting on SB 1000. Time to push.
Get a number for your rep here:
http://capwiz.com/basicrights/callalert/index.tt?alertid=7643716http://www.basicrights.org/lac/lacindex.aspFIGHT FOR SB 1000 IN THE OREGON HOUSE. CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE NOW!
The Oregon Senate has cast its historic vote in support of SB 1000, which would create civil unions for same-sex couples and prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Now the fight moves to the Oregon House where Speaker Karen Minnis has pledged to kill the bill.
We believe that if brought to a vote on the House floor, SB 1000 will pass. SB 1000 is supported by the Oregon Senate, the Governor and a majority of Oregonians.
Call your representatives now and urge them to support SB 1000 and call on Speaker Minnis to bring it to an up or down vote on the House floor immediately.
One person should not stand in the way of a discrimination-free Oregon. Call your lawmaker now!