Smear journalism.
And their awful website won't show it.
The Oregonian editorial staff have really outdone themselves here.
Their hatred of public power is naked today, just behind their hatred of public employees.
They LOVE PGE and always have.
From their editorial page: <snip>
"Within a year, if all goes as expected, PGE will once again be the same kind of stand-alone, publicly traded, Portland-headquartered company that served much of Western Oregon for the past century. That is good news, not bad.
One of the state's largest private companies will remain just that. The leadership at PGE, which by and large has done a good job through a terribly turbulent time, will remain at the helm. The company's employees will have more security and stability than they have known in recent years.
To the bitter end Thursday, when Mayor Tom Potter and Commissioner Erik Sten accused Enron officials of acting in bad faith in their negotiations, Portland's leaders attacked the idea of a privately owned and operated PGE. A careful reading of the back-and-forth letters the city released Thursday doesn't settle the bad-faith allegations. The letters do show that Enron was worried about city opponents forcing an election and pushing any city purchase far beyond the timetable it had laid out." mention of the millions of Oregon ratepayer dollars paid under the guise of taxes that STILL find their way to the pockets of Texas crooks and liars.