Have you heard anything about him?
Here's his website
http://silverforcongress.org/index.shtmlThis sounds good...
The Constitution
Section 1, Clause 8 of the Constitution mandates that before assuming office, the newly elected President shall take the following Oath --"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Provisions are provided within the Constitution for amending this document, but no one, not even the President (and not even in times of war), is permitted to disregard these words of our nation’s founding document.
(I assume that means he will impeach?!)
Our Presence in Iraq
Congress did not declare war upon Iraq. We chose to invade Iraq as a preemptive action and today, regardless of whether what we did was right or wrong, the Iraqi people want us out of their country. To the people of Iraq, we are looked upon as an occupying force whose continued presence is believed to result in increased death and destruction. It remains unsettled whether the system of democracy we imposed upon Iraq will unite that nation or lead to civil war and further instability in the Middle East. What is certain is that America must pass the task of governing Iraq to the Iraqi people. American troops must be withdrawn as quickly as possible and no permanent American military bases should remain in that nation.
Honesty in Government
The public is losing faith in government and politicians are increasingly being viewed as corrupt or uncaring. The political process is thought to favor special interests and to be unresponsive to the needs of citizens. These perceptions cross party boundaries and permeate every stratum of society. In order to restore the people’s faith in good governance, the word ‘politician’ must be reclaimed from the sewer. To accomplish that goal, every person elected to public office should be compelled to practice the highest possible standards of honesty and integrity. Nothing less should be tolerated.