Veterans in Action PAC has launched its political action committee. All veterans interested in a progressive economic and social agenda are invited to the group's first public meeting and “Meet the Military Veteran Candidates” night, Thursday May 11, 7:30 p.m. at the Photo Image Gallery, 79 SW Oak Street, Portland Oregon. Invited candidates, all veterans, include: Lee Coleman (House race, District 26). Please feel free to come and take part. Lee Coleman www.friendsofleecoleman.org VETERANS IN ACTION
818 SW Third Ave. #58 ∙ Portland, OR 97204-2405 ∙ 503-880-7200
www.veteransinaction.org For Release: IMMEDIATELY April 27, 2006 Oregon Veterans to Launch Political Action Committee With the slogan “Fighting for America..... Again,” a group of Oregon Veterans has formed a political action committee (PAC) to support fellow veterans running for public office. The new group, called Veterans in Action (VIA), “grew out of a shared desire to do something to change the direction this country is headed, and our belief that now is the time for action,” said Eugene Rosolie, VIA President.
The group will hold a “Meet the Military Veteran Candidates” night, Thursday May 11, 7:30 p.m. at the Photo Image Gallery, 79 SW Oak Street, Portland Oregon. Invited candidates, all veterans, include: Lee Coleman (House race, District 26); Paul Evans (Senate race, District 10); and Jesse Cornett (Senate race, District 24).
According to John Calhoun, the group’s Treasurer, “the purpose of VIA is to raise funds to support U.S. military veterans who are running for public office in Oregon and in national elections in other states.” Candidates the group will support must:
• Know the real cost of war in terms of pain, suffering, loss and agree that wars must involve sacrifice by all Americans, not just military men and women and their families;
• Believe strongly that war should only be waged when absolutely necessary and that a “war of choice” is never necessary;
• Advocate for a progressive economic and social agenda; and
• Ensure that the promises to veterans are kept.
“Veterans are in a unique position to change the minds of our fellow Americans whose views, unfortunately, are being shaped by right wing propaganda,” said Rosolie. Rosolie went on to say, “Our message is that progressive and liberal veterans are strong leaders who are committed to the values of America, and who will -- because they have already -- stand and fight, whether at city hall, the state legislature, Congress, or the battlefield,” he said
The VIA members, all veterans, were active in the last presidential campaign and have continued to be active in political matters. The members are veterans of the U.S. Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps; most of them are Vietnam veterans. The group can be reached on the web at www.veteransinaction.org.