Jeff Merkley Calls on Karen Minnis to End “Disgusting, False Attacks” on Rob Brading and the Multnomah County Library Board
In 2004, when Minnis first leveled this false charge, an editorial in the Gresham Outlook called the charge: “Ridiculous on its face”.
House Democratic Leader Jeff Merkley called on House Speaker Karen Minnis today to end her false attacks on her opponent Rob Brading and, by association, the entire Multnomah County Library Board. Earlier this week, the Minnis campaign, under the guise of a third party group, took Oregon politics to a nasty new low when she accused Brading of “having a record of defending the pornography industry.” In 2004, when Minnis first leveled this false charge, an editorial in the Gresham Outlook called the charge: “Ridiculous on its face”.
“I am appealing to any sense of decency Karen Minnis may have to direct her campaign to end these disgusting, false attacks against Rob Brading,” said Merkley. “The level of irresponsibility here is shocking. Her campaign is attacking the entire library board, which is made up of some of the most prominent members of our community,” finished Merkley.
The Multnomah County library is one of the most heavily utilized public libraries in the nation. Its advisory board includes respected leaders of East County such as Troutdale Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Diane McKeel and Gresham Outlook Publisher Mark Garber. Brading said it is the honorable service of his fellow board members and the integrity of the Multnomah County Library that he is most interested in defending.
“These lies are outrageous. I’m confident that my neighbors in East County will see through this attack and that my campaign will be fine. I’m more concerned about the impact this kind of smear campaign has on the entire community and the library. How can we expect people to be willing to volunteer their time and their energy for public and community service positions if this kind of character assassination is what they will face?” said Brading.
“Minnis’ willingness to stoop so low to win this election is exactly why we need a new representative in House District 49. As the next State Representative, I pledge to put an end to these kinds of hyper-partisan personal attacks and focus on the priorities of the working families of East County. If Karen Minnis has any respect for the voters of District 49, she will repudiate these outrageous attacks immediately and apologize to the people of East County,” finished Brading.
August 9, 2006
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