Ip posted this in the general discussion area...
My friend and I spent 5 hours at the Washington County Democratic Party booth in the Washington County Fairgrounds in Oregon last Friday. (we are both females).
I have never seen so many People coming to buy Kerry bumper stickers and lawn signs in my life. We collected between $400 to $500 by selling them at $2 each in those 5 hours.
Every 20 to 30 minutes, a couple of Republican males came to harrass us. These were NOT kids. I am talking about 50 to 60 year old men, that would come and say something stupid to us.
We were very, very busy, so we didn't pay attention to them, until a couple of them came too close to us, with their Bush-Cheney stickers and put them really close to our face, saying something dumb like "these are real stickers or the real thing", or something idiotic like that.
So, thinking we may have a hard time walking to our cars alone at 11:00pm, I approached a Hillsboro police officer and told him it may be a good idea for them to walk around our booth every once in a while because these idiots were harrassing us. He responded that short of the Republicans bringing an elephant to our booth, he was not going to do anything about it.
Later on, I saw the sheriff, who immediately had someone come and check on us every once in a while.
I saw a lot of people who were ecstatic about Kerry's speech. There was one kid who came and switched from Republican to Democrat because he said he had heard Kerry and wanted to change parties. He is 21. He told us that he is going to Iraq, and I shook his hand and promissed him that I was going to pray for him for his safe return every night.
My theory is that the republicans are running scared and feel like they are losing, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered us.
I have never seen them so desperate. So, cheer up! I think we are going to win in November...