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For the Oct 28 meet-up with the visiting Speedoo,

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swag Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-14-06 10:44 AM
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For the Oct 28 meet-up with the visiting Speedoo,
I'm thinking the Twilight Room at 5242 N Lombard, which is very close to where he's staying. Much roomier than the Mock Crest Tavern, and it looks like it's our group's kind of place:

22 taps; beer range is a mix of 14 or so Northwest craft beers and eight industrial megalagers, the megabrews unsurprising in this rather ordinary tavern, but the crafts include two fine cask-conditioned ales from the likes of Deschutes Brewing and BridgePort, as well as a more typical range of craft beers from Widmer, Pyramid, Full Sail, and more, poured from conventional CO2 taps.

Very ordinary pub food, burgers, sandwiches and fries. The salads are on the menu almost as an afterthought, along with the snacks and appetizers. Think of a basic American tavern menu from thirty or forty years ago, and you have the food items available at the T-Room.

To be honest, the "T-Room" is just another ordinary neighborhood dive in North Portland's St Johns district, a working-class area of modest homes, also populated by college students attending the nearby University of Portland. However, as neighborhood taverns go, this one has a sort of scruffy charm about it, with graffiti everywhere, on the walls and ceilings - aided and abetted by the management and staff, of course - added to by regular annual contributions from the graduating class of the University. The front area, with the bar and some booths, comprises the original tavern; back of the bar is the area opened up in the first expansion several years ago, and farther back is another area opened up in a more recent expansion, and there are pool tables and other minor diversions to accompany the beer. The T-Room has been in business for over three decades, and is run by a friendly staff. The place has made its concession to the times in the availability of beer on tap. Fifteen years ago, this was just another tavern with a very ordinary range of cheap megalagers tap, usually Blitz, Olympia, and Budweiser; now, there are plenty of craft beers alongside the megabrews, and even a couple of handpumps for cask ales.

Smoking Policy:
Allowed, even encouraged; cigarettes available at the bar

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Viva_La_Revolution Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-16-06 12:32 AM
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1. do we know what time yet?
I'm there. :)
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