the election still a week away, Oregon Democrats are enjoying a rare lead over the Republicans in returning their ballots.
So far, 29 percent of Lane County's registered Democrats have returned their ballots, compared with a 26 percent return rate for registered Republicans. Statewide through Monday, 19 percent of Democrats had voted vs. 18 percent of Republicans.
Leaders from both parties agree that the leads are relatively small and far less important than next week's election results.
But they also acknowledge that after one week of voting during Oregon's 18-day balloting period before an election, it's typically the Republicans, not the Democrats, in this situation.
"The votes aren't coming in and I don't know what's holding people back," said Amy Langdon, executive director of the Oregon Republican Party.
Langdon said her party's voters typically have voted in greater number and earlier - reflecting the party's better organization and get-out-the-vote operations and the high percentage of what politicos call "motivated voters" among the GOP's ranks.