More Invasions, No More Wars demonstration and visibility action
Start: Mar 19 2007 - 12:00pm
End: Mar 19 2007 - 6:30pm
Timezone: Etc/GMT-8
Event Details:
"No More Invasions, No More Wars:
The Occupation of Iraq, Four Years Later"
Dual-opportunity action
Monday, March 19, 2007
Terry Schrunk Plaza, SW 3rd and Madison, Portland
12:00 noon-2 PM: Lunchtime Demonstration
4 PM-6:30 PM: Evening Visibility Action
and Message to the Iraqi People
The Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group is working on a two-part
action to take place on Monday, March 19, 2007, exactly 4 years after the
US invasion of Iraq. Both will take place at Terry Schrunk Plaza, SW 3rd
and Madison. The first will go from 12 noon to 2 PM to gather the
lunchtime crowds together. The evening event will run from 4 PM to 6:30 PM
and will culminate with an oversize message to be transmitted to the Iraqi
people. The day is being titled "No More Invasions, No More Wars: The
Occupation of Iraq, Four Years Later."
In addition to continuing the current calls to bring all the troops home
from Iraq, these events will also act to call for:
--Money for jobs, health care, education, housing and the environment--not
--End the US occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and the US-supported
Israeli occupations of the West Bank and Gaza
--Reject the "Long War on Terror" and say no to military action in Iran,
Syria, North Korea, Somalia, or anywhere else under that banner
--Close the US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay and end the assault on civil
liberties at home
For more information contact the PJW Iraq Affinity Group at 503-236-3065
This event is cosponsored by Women in Black, Families for Peace, American
Iranian Friendship Council, Portland Peaceful Response Coalition, Women's
International League for Peace and Freedom/Portland and others. It is
endorsed by Northwest Veterans for Peace, East Timor Action
Network/Portland, Back 2 the WALL, Oregon Wildlife Federation, and others.
Check the Peace and Justice Works website for updates on planned
activities for the 19th, cosponsors and endorsers, a downloadable flyer,
and other information at .