If you did, I don't have to tell you about the astounding level of outrage and frustration voiced by nearly every speaker regarding Iraq, Iran and, most of all, the need to rid the country of Bush and Cheney NOW through immediate action on impeachment.
If you didn't go, I'll try to do a quick recap.
First, the location. For those of you unfamiliar with Lake Oswego, it's just south of Portland on the west side of the Willamette. In brief, it's a classic GOP enclave. It's full of rich or upper-middle white people and the dirty work is delegated to immigrants. Property values continue to climb despite market slumps or crashes elsewhere. It has a private golf course and first-rate schools. The tax base is huge, so the city spends a lot of money making the downtown area pretty. They even have these enormous baskets of flowers and other greenery hanging from light posts in the center divide of the main north-south highway that skirts the town and parallels the river. We don't live there; we live elsewhere in Hooley's district and this was the closest meeting to our place.
Darlene Hooley, a five-term House Dem, showed up on time (5:00 PM) and did a quick glad-handing session. Then she was introduced by the mayor of Lake Oswego.
She spent the first 15 or so minutes talking about her key issues and legislative priorities, the Dem's "heroic" passage of their 100 hours agenda and bills she plans to introduce in the upcoming session. I should note that I generally support her positions; her voting record is pretty progressive and her ratings by interest groups are commendable (
see links at the bottom for details on issues, where her campaign money comes from, etc). Having said that, I'd support a more progressive opponent in the primaries without reservation.
Then she opened it up for questions and comment. And the avalanche began. Aside from a couple of people with local, personal issues or problems dealing with various federal agencies -- who were immediately directed to one of Hooley's staffers -- the crowd was in an angry, combative mood and ready to unload a year's worth of frustration at Congress' continuous enabling of the BushCo agenda.
Speaker after speaker denounced the Iraq occupation and demanded Hooley not vote a single penny more for anything other than funding rapid redeployment (so far, she hasn't voted for any Iraq war money; she also voted against the authorization to attack Iraq). Many expressed anger and concern about the Iran saber rattling and all of those holding that position also demanded impeachment of both Bush and Cheney as the only immediate way to throw a wrench into their plans. Hooley responded that impeachment isn't off the table for her -- a hell of a statement considering Pelosi's contrarian and unconscionable position.
The level of vehemence and eloquence was breathtaking. I actually came prepared for a Q&A, and a couple of Qs got answered (one re inherent contempt; she had heard of it but had no idea what it actually meant; another about single-payer health care that left me unimpressed).
But most of the crowd apparently came ready to make speeches. And they were the kind of speeches you can't help applauding -- fiery; full of contempt for the "off the table" crowd; nothing but unrelenting rage over what's happened to this country, the Constitution and the US' position in the world at large since 2001; one after the other after the other DEMANDING impeachment immediately; most also demanding the US get the hell out of the Middle East, with a few wanting to stop giving Israel $3 billion a year to screw with the Palestinians.
But impeachment was the key word and just about every single speaker demanded it NOW. Pelosi was predictably and repeatedly vilified, as was Reid. A couple of speakers sarcastically noted the Dem's favorite non-impeachment excuses: don't want to ruin '08 chances and don't have the time because they're so very, very busy with other "more important" issues -- as if ridding the world of Bush and Cheney were some optional bit of frivolity to be dealt with after an important floor vote on whether to declare August 15 National Mayonnaise Day.
And the language wasn't particularly genteel, although there was no cussing that I heard; Bush and Cheney were called sociopaths, Bush an idiot, a liar, a draft-dodger and an election thief, Cheney a liar and a malevolent cyborg (in apparent reference to all his metallic and electronic body parts)... the list is extensive.
At 6:00, the meeting broke up and the people I talked with after were still highly pissed off and frustrated. They felt it was useless to engage in politics when elections are being stolen right under our noses (a topic, btw, that only came up once during the public comment period. Hooley, unfortunately, supports the Holt bill).
They felt Pelosi was either a coward or a traitor. Same with Reid. Several were considering not voting for the first time in their adult lives. Lots of very depressed, powerless-feeling, disillusioned, furious people who felt they didn't get enough of Hooley's buy-in to be even slightly optimistic that they had made any difference by attending the meeting.
Weirdly enough for a born cynic and self-taught pessimist, my impressions were far more positive. Just hearing the litany of grievances against BushCo, coming from six-figure former republicans and formerly moderate democrats alike, was truly astonishing. It was like sitting in a coffee house filled with anarcho-socialists listening to the most strident in the room ranting at high volume against entire list of offenses this mal-administration has committed. Shocking and energizing. Or maybe I just spend too much time with people I'd naturally gravitate towards and avoid the alligator shirt and tassled loafers crowd.
I think Hooley was also greatly surprised by the level of intensity and vehemence supporting impeachment, may have even changed her position on Kucinich's HR-333, and will take back to DC with her undeniable evidence that serving the will of the people now means participating in the House effort to impeach -- Cheney first, then Bush.
I came away with several impressions: Impeachment is now on the table for a very wide cross-section of the public, both Dems and GOPers (both were represented last night, although republicans were careful to note that the party no longer represents them or their values). The Iraq disaster seems to have been the great wake-up call that these blood-drenched vermin are fully capable of squandering a limitless number of lives and trillions of dollars to serve the PNAC agenda. The saber-rattling over Iran scares the shit out of a lot of people and nobody's buying the lies about Iran's various "threats" that BushCo has recycled from the Iraq run-up. People want to support the troops by getting them the hell out of there; no more money for anything in Iraq but a complete pull-out and redeployment. BushCo's depth of depravity is well-understood; they were called sociopaths and psychopaths, thieves and mass murderers. Their pillaging of the treasury is also well-known; a couple of speakers brought up the missing pallets of $100 bills and wondered why Bremer isn't in jail. People also wondered why Rove, Rice, Meirs, Rumsfeld and a few other superstar perps aren't in jail for contempt of Congress or, in Rumsfeld's case, treason.
And maybe most of all, people want their country back. BushCo's assaults on the Constitution and Bill of Rights haven't gone unnoticed. These people were adamant about doing away with the patriot act(s), the military commissions act, contesting this recent rash of imperial executive orders that constitute the blueprint for the imposition of martial law, the latest one that pretty much outlaws the anti-war movement by making it legal for the feds to steal your stuff if you're deemed pain in the ass... They were furious about torture in their names; Gitmo and "special renditions;" suspension of Habeas Corpus; tossing 3/5 of the Bill of Rights into the dumpster. Again, these people are PISSED and see impeachment as the fastest, most effective way to reclaim their country from the Bush Crime Family.
There were even two "9/11 Was an Inside Job" signs held high throughout the meeting, and no half-wit security shitheels showed up to arrest the protesters -- unlike standard practice at any GOP function, where the crowds are screened and only the truly devious make it in with dissenting signs or t-shirts -- and then are promptly ejected and/or arrested as soon as they display them.
That's about all I can remember, but I want to make sure to leave you with the impression that there was deep, white-hot rage on full display last night in a town that embodies the perks of upper-class white America. It was like reading a thread on the GD board -- everybody knows a lot, some know just about everything, but everybody's been paying attention to stuff that doesn't show up in mass corporate media.
While there's certainly a large, narcotized segment of the population poisoned by fundamentalism, TV news and wingnut radio, there's also a significant number of awake, aware, committed, furious-beyond-the-boiling-point people ready to take action -- although what kind of action is anybody's guess -- and help rid the country of the BushCo scourge.
It was a great night to live in the fading illusion of a representative democracy; the US hasn't even been able to fake this type of government in quite a while. Gave me a badly needed vision of what this place could actually be if we simply dismantled this toxic excuse for an administration, along with the entire republican party, and put actual progressives into positions of power.
Well, as promised, that was brief...
BTW, for full disclosure, I'm a DK supporter and volunteer, just so you know what I mean when I say "progressive."
Thanks for reading. Wish you all were there. The good guys kicked ass for once and it felt great.
For reference, here's Hooley's House site:
http://hooley.house.gov/Here's where her campaign money comes from:
http://tinyurl.com/2azgp7And here's Project Vote Smart's page on her:
http://tinyurl.com/3ym299And for the hell of it, here's where Pelosi's campaign money comes from: