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Toxics surprise: "Pollution in People" -- What we have inside us, a study of volunteers

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Audio_Al Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 01:41 PM
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Toxics surprise: "Pollution in People" -- What we have inside us, a study of volunteers
Source: Portland Oregonian (daily newspaper)

Toxics surprise: What we have inside us
"Pollution in People" - A study of 10 volunteers from Oregon finds mercury, PCBs, phthalates and pesticides

Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Oregonian Staff

As a physician for 30 years, Alan Bates thought he knew what was in his body. Then he got a personal memo about modern life in the chemical soup.

The 62-year-old Democratic state senator from Ashland (OR) handed over blood and urine samples for testing this spring. When the results came back, they showed relatively high levels of mercury, known in higher concentrations to cause central nervous system damage. Also cycling through Bates' system: phthalates, a widespread family of chemicals, including some now banned in California, that appear in plastic products, cosmetics and personal care items such as deodorant and shampoo. "My awareness was much lower than it should have been for a physician," Bates said. "I was surprised I had that much in me of so many different things."

Ditto for Danya Rumore, a 22-year-old environmental science graduate who discovered she had relatively high levels of PCBs, a probable carcinogen used widely in the 1950s to cool electrical transformers before it was banned three decades ago. Her first thought: "I've got this not-natural product floating through my bloodstream, and that's gross."

Bates and Rumore were among 10 people tested for a "Pollution in People" report to be released today by the Oregon Environmental Council. It's the latest in a string of reports from environmental groups designed to educate -- some say needlessly scare -- Americans about the low levels of suspect chemicals in our consumer-society selves.

The volunteers -- from a Portland singer to a fireman to a couple of legislators -- were tested for six groups of chemicals under protocols approved by a Portland State University review board. Two, PCBs and mercury, are known human toxics. The low-dose health effects of the others, including phthalates, organophosphate pesticides and PFCs, widely used to help resist stains, are much less definitive. All the levels found in the 10 Oregonians -- and in the average American, based on national studies -- fall well under Environmental Protection Agency safety thresholds. And the sample size in the Oregon study is too small to generalize about levels in the state's population.

(Much more at link below)

Read more:

This front page article absolutely astounded me. Read the whole text if you can for both sides of this story.

It's hard to think of all the things we eaten, used, and been exposed to -- especially now, as my wife and I near ages when profound medical problems can and do appear.

What do you think of this problem? Are you doing anything specific to avoid toxins or other contaminants that you didn't do a few years ago?

We may choose use some of your responses to use on our radio program in the near future.


Audio Al
Volunteer contributor/co-host at Oregon Public Broadcasting's Accessible Information Network
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prairierose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 02:11 PM
Response to Original message
1. Al, I do several things to avoid...
the chemicals that assault us every day. I became aware of this problem a few years ago when my younger brother was dying of cancer and we were trying several alternative treatments.

When any soft plastic comes in to my house, I get rid of it as soon as possible. These plastics outgas xenoestrogens that affect our endocrine system. They also leach other toxins into the food. I do not use any kind of air freshener or anything else that has fragrance in it. These also are xenoestrogens and the fragrances are hydrocarbon based. I use only clean soaps that have no chemicals. I look for soaps that are vegetable based rather than petroleum based and have no added fragrance. Lotions, shampoos and other cosmetics have been changed too.

We eat as much organic food as we can afford. Industrial agriculture is not good for us. I buy little prepared food and cook from scratch so that I know exactly what is in the food as opposed to prepared food that is full of chemicals. I still have to make compromises because I can not afford to go all organic. Next year I plan to have a garden and grow as much food as I can. I have been collecting organic, heritage seeds in preparation.

I filter all the water that we drink or cook with. This does not remove all of the volatile chemicals but it does remove some of them. I am planning to buy a countertop distiller.

Those are a few of the things that I do. I will be interested in other suggestions.
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Lautremont Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 02:19 PM
Response to Original message
2. This article irresponsibly ignores the upside.
Namely, that sufficient levels of any one chemical will turn you into a superhero.
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Benhurst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 02:56 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. ...
:rofl: A BushAmerican übermann.
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Viva_La_Revolution Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 03:19 PM
Response to Reply #2
6. LOL

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Audio_Al Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 04:20 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. Off Topic: I'm writing a children's story for my grandson called "The Blue Knight."
Edited on Sun Nov-11-07 04:22 PM by Audio_Al
He loves superheros! I've written short stories for him before, and I promised him I'd have it ready for his birthday on December 1st.

He told me, "If you work harder, Grandpa, you could have it done sooner!"

What a cute boy he is!

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Jackpine Radical Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 03:02 PM
Response to Original message
4. What, lose weight and
release 40 years of toxins from by body fat into my system?
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Audio_Al Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 04:17 PM
Response to Reply #4
8. Well, for me, just prunes or a good laxative will do a great daily job!
But then what are we doing to the streams and rivers in Oregon and elsewhere?

One scientist I read recently said that "Water will be the next gold!"

Maybe we'll rent Kevin Costner's movie "Waterwold" and watch it again...


Audio Al
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truedelphi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 03:16 PM
Response to Original message
5. One thing I know: When a smug American scientist was
At an international health conference several years ago, he said "How is it that you Japanese
are banning vaccination for children under the age of two? You have no emperical evidence, no data base, to support your government doing this."
The Japanesse scientist responded, "Today we have no emperical data base on which to base this ban. But in five years we will have a huge data base. See, in five years, we will collect the health information of American children and that huge data base will be our proof that infants should not be vaccinated."
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Audio_Al Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 04:12 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. There is new information on that subject now. Maybe the Japanese didn't get any benefits.
Edited on Sun Nov-11-07 04:14 PM by Audio_Al
Here's what I found on that ban which took place in 2001. This is from 2005:


Record Details

Title Number of cases of autism rises despite MMR ban in Japan
Date Published 03/03/2005
Reporter initials Yuet
Reporter surname Wan
Reporter affiliation Hospital Pharmacist
Source New Scientist magazine 2005 (March ) issue 2489, page 16
Resource Links Link to news report
Abstract According to an article in ‘New Scientist’, a Japanese study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, has reported that the number of children with autism continued to rise after the MMR vaccine was replaced with single vaccines.

In the study, researchers looked at the records of 31,426 children born in one district of Yokohama between 1988 and 1996. The team counted children diagnosed as autistic by the age of 7. They found the cases continued to multiply after the vaccine withdrawal, ranging from 48 to 86 cases per 10,000 children before withdrawal to 97 to 161 per 10,000 afterwards. The researchers concluded “The study cannot rule out the possibility that MMR triggers autism in a tiny number of children, as some claim, but it does show there is no large-scale effect. The vaccine cannot have caused autism in the many children with autism spectrum disorders in Japan who were born and grew up in the era when MMR was not available."

Ref. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (DOI: 10.1111.j.1469-7610.2005.01425.x)

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truedelphi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 04:32 PM
Response to Reply #7
11. There are thirty one different injections our infants are required to have
Edited on Sun Nov-11-07 04:33 PM by truedelphi
By the age of one.

This research by Honda, if it proves out, is answering concerns about ONLY three of those thirty one injections. (actually 34, because MMR is not required until after the age of one.)

Just one concern, when there are so many more.

PLEASE NOTE: My biggest concern has been the vaccine for hepatitis given to brand new babies.

To understand my concern read this interview with a top notch statistician regarding his daughter's experience with the vaccine for hepatitis and his running the numbers on how this vaccine causes more problems than it solves. (Death rate due to the vaccine is higher than due to natural occurrence of the illness)

My physician in Marin would not allow me to have this vaccine at the age of 41. I can only imagine that the main reason it is mandated for newborns is because a newborn has no history.

Originally it was mandated for twelve year olds, but industry KNEW that it causes death, paralysis, on-going migraines, and a host of other problems.

By the time a child is twelve, the parent has assembled a gazillion proofs of the child's innate health: the video of her tenth birthday party, her win in a city league soccer championship at twelve, her schoolmates who know her and can testify, her teachers, etc. They would havbe recourse within our court system if an innoculated twelve year old is damaged by a vaccine.

But a one day old has no proof to offer a court that she was not born defective. If a baby who is paralyzed has a doctor who says the child was born that way, and the parents feel it was caused by the vaccine, a parent cannot offer a defense for a one day old.

There is no history for the child of their innate health as they are only one day old. If the baby should end up with migraines from the vaccine, well, how would anyone know that a baby even had migraines??
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Audio_Al Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 04:39 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. This is a very interesting background, TrueDelphi.
Edited on Sun Nov-11-07 04:41 PM by Audio_Al
My wife and I will try to explore it on a future radio program here in Oregon. Thank you so much for your post.


Audio Al (2007)
Volunteer contributor/co-host at Oregon Public Broadcasting's Accessible Information Network
Read about this audio service at

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truedelphi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 04:59 PM
Response to Reply #12
14. You are welcome. I think Michael Belkin would be a terrific guest
His credentials are impeccable in terms of statistics. He can back up
what he says and it would be hard for anyone to refute him

However, I tried to contact him in 2005 and was not able to do so. (Previously we had
exchanged emails.) I will search my records to see if there are leads there.

He testified in front of Congress at one point.
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TZ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 06:18 PM
Response to Reply #11
19. So by your logic we should NOT breast feed children..
because by breast feeding children the mother passes on various antibodies in their bodies to their children. Creating an ACTIVE immunity system. Thats ALL that vaccines do. If you think that vaccines SHOULD'NT be given to infants not only should you NOT breast feed your child but you better keep them in a damn bubble because every time they get around a pathogen (colds viri, what have you) their immunity system gets stimulated. This whole MYTH that children's immunity system "needs to develop" is bullshit. The more low level exposures a young immunity system gets (like from a vaccine), the more likely they are going to be healthier as an adult. Look at the studies with children and breast feeding, breast fed kids are consistently healthier.
FYI- MMR never had thimerosol which is what people said causes autism, so if it is MERCURY you are worried about MMR NEVER HAD ANY.
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StarryNite Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 04:31 PM
Response to Original message
10. Glad you posted this.
I read lots of labels these days. Unfortunately not everything is listed on them. I have also tossed all my nonstick and aluminum pots and pans. I put the microwave away too. I switched to using a deodorant stone instead of stick and spray deodorants that contain toxic chemicals. I learned here on DU that dryer sheets are very bad. That encouraged me to do more research on them. The Allergy and Environmental Health Association lists both the liquid and dryer sheet fabric softeners as being "the most toxic product produced for daily household use." The list of ingredients used in them reads more like a list for use in chemical warfare than it does for something that is supposed to make our lives more enjoyable. So I swore off fabric softeners. I wish I could grow my own veggies. I tried it years ago and one season I had a beautiful garden. The next year it was a waste of time. The only thing that benefited from it were the aphids.

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Audio_Al Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 04:46 PM
Response to Reply #10
13. Your garden: "The only thing that benefited from it were the aphids."
Edited on Sun Nov-11-07 04:51 PM by Audio_Al

Actually, I have no idea how people garden at all in Phoenix. We vacationed in Scottsdale and Tucson last year and were truly amazed at how many people just gave up on green plants completely, except for low-water tolerant plants and cactus. But we probably didn't get to the growing spots, if there are any. Same thing is true in Nevada, although there were some green fields near Mesquite, NV in that valley, on our way from Las Vegas to St. George, Utah.

We tried to garden under some big maple trees in Massachusetts in the 1970s. It was a lot of work.

We got some nice peas by July, and in September, about 100 very green tomatoes. We put them in a paper bag with an apple and some of them got ripe. The corn was definitely not "as high as an elephant's eye" and we had to buy corn from local farmers. We composted it all together in October and November, and that was the end of our farming period.

From then on, the moss took off under those trees and made a very nice green carpet.


Audio Al
Volunteer contributor/co-host at Oregon Public Broadcasting's Accessible Information Network
Read about this audio service at

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TalkingDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 05:01 PM
Response to Original message
15. Question is: What DON'T I do to avoid putting toxins in my body.....
Having contracted lead poisoning a number of years ago, my body (immune system, endocrine system) is somewhat damaged. I have to lighten the load where I can, so:

-No deoderant
-Only Dr. Bronner's Soap to wash with
-No makeup, no perfume, simple and scent-free skin conditioners
-Hypoallergenic laundry and dish soap
-Dr. Bronner's, vinegar, baking soda to clean house
-Little prepackaged food, avoiding things packaged in plastic when I can
-The very occassional soda from glass mainly and aluminum occassionally
-Wash fruit/veg with baking soda, touch of Dr. Bronner's
-When packaging leftovers in plastic, I line with waxed paper
-When it's liquid-y I use glass or enameled containers
-Air purifiers in the house
-Never dry clean anything
-Avoid things that "smell" new
-No styrofoam "doggie bags". They will give you foil or waxed paper if you ask...or even paper or foil boxes.

My two vices are drinking from straws when I'm out and reusing plastic water bottles and freezing the water so it's cold. I figure it's a trade off at that point as I'm on a well and city water has fluoride which is not kind to your thyroid.

My Favorite Master Artist: Karen Parker GhostWoman Studios

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Audio_Al Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 05:09 PM
Response to Reply #15
16. Goodness! Do you know how you got the lead poisoning?
Edited on Sun Nov-11-07 05:10 PM by Audio_Al
You sound like you're trying pretty much everything. We wish you well. At age 73 and with a wife 68, we're pretty healthy (we think) -- although my son's wife was just diagnosed with breast cancer. They said it's in Stage 1 and treatable, thank goodness. The Big "C" is just such a scourge.


Audio Al
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TalkingDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 11:36 PM
Response to Reply #16
21. Renting. House hadn't been painted in over 20 years at that time.
The owner was a chain smoker who liked greasy food. Figures he'd never get sick. Drank like a fish too. (which actually can help chelate the lead out.... great excuse for sipping a few, right?)

But after we realized that the amber lightbulbs he had in his house were actually just coated with grease and nicotine, we scrubbed everything down.
Not a good idea with lead paint. When you breathe the dust, 90% is absorbed by the lungs.

As we say down South, I'm a slip of a girl, so I got sick while the Spousal Unit didn't. Although he would probably still glow on an X-ray. (which is okay, unless somehow the lead decided to release all at once... not likely, thank goodness)

So, after the insurance refused to pay for treatments *spits* -May they rot in Hell-, I just kept going anyway, what could I do? Nobody told me there would probably be long term effects from the lead, I had to find that out on my own. So I became my own best Dr. I'd rather have the lazy life and not have to keep up with all the potential problem causers, exercise, vitamins and supplements, but I'm actually healthier now than I've probably been since I was a teenager. Heck I probably wasn't this healthy even then.

Sorry to hear about your DIL, but stage 1 is much, much better than it could be. There are a lot of good herbals for nausea from the chemo. If you'd like any feedback, just PM me (the little envelope at the top of the message block).

And Welcome to DU! It can be fun. It can be raucous. But water off a ducks back....don't take anything too personally and you'll be fine.

My Favorite Master Artist: Karen Parker GhostWoman Studios

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Audio_Al Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-18-07 12:20 AM
Response to Reply #21
23. Hello Talking Dog... so sorry to read this sad story.
Edited on Sun Nov-18-07 12:22 AM by Audio_Al
Our daughter-in-law has a lump which has not come through the skin. However, there are other calcifications in the left breast, so she must have chemotherapy and then will more than likely have the breast removed and then they will do another operation to "reconstruct" it. She probably will not go through radiation.

My son is in New England, and we are not planning to visit until next spring at the earliest. We haven't met our daughter-in-law (son's second wife) at all. But thanks for your offer to give us homeopathic information for nausea.

I'm kind of new here but my wife, Radio Lady Ellen, has been around this place for years. She's taking a break until next year -- got sick of being riled up by weird people.


Audio Al
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humus Donating Member (130 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 05:37 PM
Response to Original message
17. begins in the womb

WASHINGTON — Not long ago, scientists believed that babies in the womb were largely protected from most toxic chemicals. A new study helps confirm an opposite view: that chemical exposure begins in the womb, as hundreds of industrial chemicals, pollutants and pesticides are pumped back and forth from mother to baby through umbilical cord blood.

Environmental Working Group (EWG) commissioned laboratory tests of 10 American Red Cross cord blood samples for the most extensive array of industrial chemicals, pesticides and other pollutants ever studied. The group found that the babies averaged 200 contaminants in their blood. The pollutants included mercury, fire retardants, pesticides and the Teflon chemical PFOA. In total, the babies' blood had 287 chemicals, including 209 never before detected in cord blood.

The blood samples came from babies born in U.S. hospitals in August and September of 2004. The study, called Body Burden: The Pollution in Newborns, tested each sample of umbilical cord blood for an unprecedented 413 industrial and consumer product chemicals. The study ( is part of an important new science that measures toxins in people — the human body burden.

"For years scientists have studied pollution in the air, water, land and in our food. Recently they've investigated its health impacts on adults. Now we find this pollution is reaching babies during vital stages of development," said EWG Vice President for Research Jane Houlihan. "These findings raise questions about the gaps in our federal safety net. Instead of rubber-stamping almost every new chemical that industry invents, we've got to strengthen and modernize the laws that are supposed to protect Americans from pollutants."

U.S. industries manufacture and import approximately 75,000 chemicals, 3,000 of them at over a million pounds per year. Yet health officials do not know how many of these chemicals pollute fetal blood and what the health consequences of in utero exposures might be. Many of these chemicals require specialized techniques to detect. Chemical manufacturers are not required to make available to the public or government health officials methods to detect their chemicals in humans, and most do not volunteer them.

EWG's Houlihan said that had her group been able to test for more chemicals, it would almost certainly have detected them.
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Audio_Al Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-18-07 12:13 AM
Response to Reply #17
22. Well, that settles it. We're just not going to have any more babies.

Thanks for the post from Audio Al (age 73) and Radio Lady (age 68)...
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Tuesday_Morning Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 06:08 PM
Response to Original message
18. Came across this today...
Toxic Chemicals Blamed for the Disappearance of Arctic Boys
by Daniel Howden

NUUK, Greenland - Twice as many girls as boys are being born in remote communities north of the Arctic Circle. Across much of the northern hemisphere, particularly in the US and Japan, the gender ratio has skewed towards girls for the first time.

Now scientists working with Inuit villages in Arctic Russia and Greenland have found the first direct evidence that this trend is linked to widespread chemical pollutants. Despite the Arctic’s pristine environment, the area functions as a pollution sink for much of the industrialised world. Winds and rivers deliver a toxic tide from the northern hemisphere into the polar food chain.

Scientists have traced flame-retardant chemicals used in everything from industrial products to furniture, phones and laptops to the food chain, finding high levels of these pollutants in seabirds, seals and polar bears. The Inuit have traditionally relied on a hunter- gatherer’s diet almost exclusively made up of marine animals, making them especially vulnerable to toxic pollutants


There's actually a village in Greenland where only girls are being born.
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RoodyGiuliani Donating Member (2 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-11-07 06:19 PM
Response to Reply #18
20. No Arctic Boys?
no wonder michael jackson never goes there.....
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Trajan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-20-07 11:04 PM
Response to Original message
24. Audio Al ! ....
Damnit ..... Where have you been ?

Where have you and your lovely Lady been ?

We miss ya's .......

Thanks for this: an extremely important issue which needs to be exposed time and time again, until it GET'S THROUGH THEIR THICK SKULLS ....
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Radio_Lady Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-03-07 02:21 AM
Response to Reply #24
25. Hi Trajan, Just noticed your post. I have been AWOL from this forum
and we've been on vacation -- guess what -- we're leaving again for Florida soon and won't be back until the end of December.

But thanks for noticing our absences.

In peace,

Radio Lady (and Audio Al)
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