I have been on the fringe of DU for years. First looking over the shoulder of Viva when we were closer. Later, when I moved into the modern age, and got my own PC. I still prefer to hang out on the edge. So I never really watched freeper's reveal themselves. For the last couple of days since the Obama speech, these fuckers have been falling over each other to play down what was history being made before our eyes. Now it is like turning on a light in a shitty house and watching cockroaches scurry back to their hiding place.
This is the thread that I saw today that had me thinking, GO THE FUCK AWAY!!!
Of course the OP by Retro Lounge was, in a word, beautful...
What followed a little way down was, in a word, gross...
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x5163681All these intellectual midget's, I mean little people, with long post and short post counts attempting to sway discourse. AH' NOT.
On another note, this week I moved from being an Obama supporter to being a proud Obama supporter.