A day after he publishes this piece of garbage blaming the violence and hatred on
the left side of the aisle, the ATF arrests some skinheads in a plot to assassiante
Couldn't've have happened to a "nicer" RW asshole.
Days of rage: There's something happening here
http://blog.oregonlive.com/reinhard_impact/2008/10/days_of_rage_theres_something/print.htmlDays of rage: There's something happening here
Posted by dreinhar October 25, 2008 11:00AM
There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
-- Buffalo Springfield
What is happening to us? What explains the boorishness, hate and even violence that increasingly mark our politics?
Yes, I know this stuff runs both ways. Here in Oregon, we had the hanging of an Obama cut-out at Newberg's George Fox University. The Washington Post reports that Obama signs in Alexandria, Va., were painted with racist epithets. We learned Friday that a McCain campaign worker's claim that she was beaten up and had the letter "B" cut into her face because her car had a McCain sticker was a hoax. Such deranged doings are just as appalling when it comes from the right, though my sense is that this hate-filled intolerance more often comes out of left field.
I also know we're a big country, and a few goof-balls do not a national trend make. But I don't think I'm committing sociology based on a few incidents. We're talking about more than a few beer-addled goofballs here.
A young friend of mine was working for the Bush campaign in 2004. One weekend he left his car outside a friend's Eugene house for safekeeping while he was out of town. Upon returning, he noticed the "W" sticker had been removed from his car. Hey, buddy, you were supposed to take care of my car, he said to his friend. Oh, yeah, his friend said, my father did that when he was here this weekend. He couldn't stand a student having a Bush sticker on his car.
>> more at link
David Reinhard, associate editor, can be reached at 503-221-8152 or davidreinhard@news.oregonian.com.