FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 14 November 2008, 18:42
Contact: Michele Darr, (605) 201-4994 Sarah Joy, (503) 884-0815 Jessica Campbell, (541) 914-7151, jess@corvalliscodepink.org
Peaceful Protestor to be Arrested at 11:30PM
Salem, OREGON -- Following the delivery of a letter to Governor Kulongoski earlier today, Michele Darr will be arrested at 11:30PM. Darr has been vigiling and fasting in protest the deployment of the Oregon National Guard on the capitol building's steps since November 1. Despite the capitol building steps being public property, Darr has been issued a citation for criminal trespass. Darr and fellow citizens spoke to the police who were apologetic about the situation, but explained that it was a reaffirmed administrative order.
Yesterday, two-time Salem Mayor and civil rights attorney Mike Swaim advised Darr that this is a violation of her first amendment rights. In 1983, US vs. Grace upheld a protestor's right to public forums, including state buildings.
"We are being told that our soldiers overseas are fighting for our freedoms," Darr explained, "and this is my freedom, handcuffed behind my back."
Once Darr is arrested, Came Homebound will clean up for the night. However, this arrest will not deter them from their protest and they will set up once again Saturday morning.
For more information on Corvallis CODEPINK, Came Homebound, and the Keep the Oregon National Guard Home campaign, see www.corvalliscodepink.org
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