Remember ol' Wes Cooley? How he had exactly one term as US Rep from the dryside 2nd District (now home to Greg "only Statewide Republican Left" Walden)?
Remember why?
Because he lied about serving in a Special Forces unit in Korea and once the Sergeant who was his DI called him on it, accused him of being Alzheimer's afflicted?
Actually, Wes was part of a Very Special Forces unit. He went to the battlefield on a short yellow bus.
Remember how he and his wife collected her Vet's widow benefit until someone found out and then they adjusted thier wedding date accordingly, because if you're married it's a felony to collect survivor's beneifits?
And how he lied about being a motorcycle-riding champion?
You didn't see that fellah leave town ... because he slunk out in the dead of night, and decamped to southern Cali.
Well, that dude just can't quite lying. I was just as surprised as anyone when he showed up, indicted, in a business fraud scheme.
From The Oregonian:
Cooley, 76, who represented eastern Oregon in the U.S. House for one term in the 1990s, was indicted Thursday in Los Angeles on federal money laundering and tax charges. Prosecutors said the charges stemmed from an alleged scheme that bilked more than $10 million from investors.
A product of Southern California, he lived outside Bend in 1994 when he got himself elected to Congress. Two years later he was forced to drop his bid for re-election amid allegations he'd lied about his military service. In state voter pamphlets he had falsely claimed to have fought in Korea.
Actually, Cooley had a long and colorful history of lying about a lot of things. I discovered this when the newspaper sent me to Orange County to interview his former business associates, friends and family members.
For example, he once claimed, under oath, to hold a law degree and a master's degree. Not true.
He bragged at parties of having connections with a shadowy secret agency that "could make things happen to people," and he liked to boast that he used to kill people with piano wire.
But a background check showed the Cooley was never a spy or assassin. He was a blow-hard.
Here's My take on it.