I don't know about anyone else here but I take a jaundiced view of when a Republican goes after a Democrat, even if they might have a point.
In my posting on my blog here:
http://realoregonreality.blogspot.com/2009/02/mr-t-were-gloves-ever-on.htmlI note that that old anti-worker, anti-union warhorse, Bob Tiernan, is going after Peter Courtney, the closest thing Oregon ever had to someone like Tip O'Neill.
Not only is Mr T whining out an ethics complaint on Peter, but he's imploring to get the Lege to look as deep as it can, obviously, until it digs up a petard that they can hang Peter on.
The background is that a big spending bill benefitted Western Oregon State University. Peter works there, so Mr T is crying "conflict of interest!". It may be true that Peter may have been a little sloppy about it, but I doubt that there was any ethics breach.
The reason Mr T is going after Peter is because this will distract Peter Courtney (and, he hopes, the Oregon State Senate) from doing the people's business. And that's all Bob Tiernan really cares about.