It's the Oregon version of the of overall US conservativism: racism and vigilantism disguised as "tough on crime" initiatives, social injustices portrayed as "protecting our sacred institutions", and tax slashing to the point of government insolvency. In Oregon, these causes have lately been personified by Kevin Mannix, Lon Mabon, and Bill Sizemore, respectively. All three are highly offensive, corrupt, and annoying, but they've been riding the wave with great success.
Oregon is not progressive, it's really a deeply divided state with occasional liberal tendencies, and it's been this way for the last 20 years that I've been living here. Sometimes the balance shifts one way or another, but overall the urban/rural split is very much alive and keeps the issues in play. Even in the last election, a liberal landslide by Oregon standards, you saw what happened to that Mannix-backed ballot measure and its alternative, regarding stepping up the mandatory minimum sentences. Lots of progressives were scared into backing the compromise referral, just in case the ultra-fascist Mannix bill passed. Few dared to think we could defeat both measures outright.
So yeah, Oregon tends to disappoint that way.