Hello Hawthorne, (and other interested parties)
> I am very concerned that Hawthorne will get less adequate police coverage if
> we lose SE Precinct. The new precincts will be huge geographical areas, and
> we will be on the far edge of two different precincts. Officers will have
> to cross a bridge and/or drive 20 minutes to get to Hawthorne from each
> precinct. And the current officers who know our district well will not
> necessarily be working in our area anymore.
> I happened to run into a police officer today after the HBBA meeting and got
> some interesting information about the precinct splitting. He says it is
> not a "done deal" and suggested that we protest it loudly and strongly (and
> immediately). Apparently it is controversial within the police and the
> city, with many officers and city folk unclear on why it is happening. The
> excuse is that it will save money but that doesn't seem to be the case. The
> current SE Precinct building would become the Traffic Division, which is
> currently housed near the Hawthorne Bridge in a building that has a lease
> until 2010. So they would not actually be able to close any buildings, and
> they would have the same number of staff. Apparently Commander Sizer has
> not given a clear explanation of why she wants to do this, but it may have
> more to do with her personal vision for what she would like the internal
> structure to be, rather than any reason that can be explained to anyone
> else.
> Apparently the plan was presented to the City Council but had some
> significant gaps and question marks, such as who would head each of the 3
> precincts. So there may still be some time to object. Sizer wants to push
> this through by July, but I think it needs to be slowed down so there is
> time for transparency and good judgment.
> It was suggested to me that we write directly to the Commissioners to
> express our concerns, especially Saltzman and Leonard.
> Copy and paste this line into your To field: dan@ci.portland.or.us;
> nick@ci.portland.or.us; amanda@ci.portland.or.us; nick@ci.portland.or.us or
> contact them individually below:
> Commissioner Dan Saltzman
>1221 SW 4th Ave. Rm. 230
>Portland, Oregon 97204
>Phone: 503 823-4151
>Fax: 503.823.3036
>Email: dan@ci.portland.or.us> dan@ci.portland.or.us
> Commissioner Randy Leonard
>(503) 823-4682
>fax (503) 823-4019 or
>emailrleonard@ci.portland.or.us emailrleonard@ci.portland.or.us>
>Commissioner Amanda Fritz
>1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 220
> Portland, Oregon 97204
Commissioner Nick Fish
> 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 240
> Portland, Oregon 97204
> Nick's Office Front Desk: 503-823-3589
> nick@ci.portland.or.us
>Karin Edwards
>Certified Rolfer