Boy, no Portland snobbery there. I live in southern Oregon. (born here raised in Portland area, been back for 35 years). Medford is as conservative as any where in the deep south. 12 miles south is Ashland which is as liberal as San Francisco. This part of Oregon (weather wise is not like what you may think of Oregon). Temperature this weekend is supposed to be in the mid 90s, and summers here have pretty much non existent rain and are HOT.
Good paying jobs are pretty much non existent here, no matter what shape the economy is in.
Wildfires do happen every summer mostly west of the cascades. (that's where most of the forests are), and they can create smoky skies for many days on end.
Crime rates are nothing terrible.
If you bring a good job with you, or are able to get a good job here, you won't find a more beautiful area of the country. (My opinion)
And tell your snobby Portland contact she doesn't know squat, and maybe she ought to come here before she passes judgment.