Yes, it was- A Big Push! Now “let’s get it done!”
Call Senators Wyden and Merkley on September 9th and 10th
270 healthcare supporters filled Vogel Plaza, Main Street and the plaza across from Senator Ron Wyden’s office today. Merchants cheered us on, cars pulled over and joined us, we were accompanied by New Orleans jazz and spontaneous chants. KOBI5, KRDV12, KTVL10 and the Mail Tribune were there. We heard from Amy Amrhein of Senator Merkley’s staff, received a statement from Senator Wyden and delivered the signatures of 15,000 Oregonians who support reducing costs, guaranteeing choice (including a public insurance option) and ensuring quality, affordable health care for all.
Next Wednesday and Thursday, September 9th and 10th are national call-in days to Senator Wyden and Senator Merkley.
Use the Health Care for America NOW toll free number 1-877-264-4226 (HCAN). Both Senators have after hours voice mail so you can call them 24 hours a day. I have attached back-up numbers below. Our goal is to generate at least 500 calls from Southern & Central Oregon and 50,000 calls nationally.
If you make one call, please call Senator Wyden. He is a member of the Senate Finance Committee, the only key committee that hasn’t passed a bill. Our message to Senator Wyden is:
Please support moving forward by September 15th on a bill that is fairly financed and provides quality, affordable health care with a public option.
Two calls are better than one! Please call Senator Merkley and tell him:
Let’s get it done. The Senate needs to move forward on passing the Kennedy HELP bill so we can have health care we can count on!