Illness and poverty have struck hard and I can no longer give my cats the love and care they need and deserve. Both are spayed females; both around 13 years old; both in great health.
They're named Jane and Ming and both are pure suckers for attention, affection and cuddling.
I'll try to add pix later, or post an updated message if the editing function times out.
Anyway, keeping them under present circumstances is impossible. I may want them back when/if things improve -- but you'll probably not want to let them go by then, and that's something I'll have to live with.
I'm in the PDX metro area, although a safe home in the burbs or the country would be best for them. They grew up as indoor/outdoor cats and are now cooped up in a tiny house because the street's too busy and threatening for cats who never saw a car travel faster than 5 MPH before now.
Thanks all for reading this. Their safety and warmth are my only concerns now. If you have the room and the heart, please reply here or PM me.
Steven F.