Wyden will get my vote. Those running against him seem to be to the right of him, and if you google them, one of them even has trouble with spelling and the English language, let alone having any kind of reasonable message. I still think that Wyden and Merkley, even if Wyden at times hasn't been as strong as I'd like him to be on some issues, is far better than Feinstein in California where I used to be, who I'd routinely vote against in the primaries and even for the greens against in the general election.
For governor, for a long time I've been thinking I'd vote for Kitzhaber, and I still think he's a fairly decent candidate, but I really do like some of the strong positions that Bradbury is taking on things like starting up an Oregon state run bank, etc. and will vote for him in the primary as a demonstration of support for these issues he's campaigning on, that hopefully will pressure Kitzhaber to consider later too if Bradbury gets strong enough support.
State Treasurer:
This race is anything but "decided" as an article today indicates: state treasurer, everyone has been saying to vote for Ted Wheeler every place, and he is the one that's the unelected appointed incumbent. But he troubles me in the following areas:
- he comes from a wealthy timber company family
- he was a former Republican
Metsger who's running against Wheeler, has a few things going for him as well in my book
- he's been an advocate for instant runoff voting being put in place, as well as being able to show multiple parties a candidate is nominated for on the ballot (not just one). (
- was a co-sponsor of a bill that has stopped private utilities from charging Oregon ratepayers for "income tax" that these utilities never paid.
Wheeler does sound like a reasonable guy who
here indicates he supported props 66 and 67, so he doesn't sound like a bad guy. I'm just really wanting to get instant runoff voting put in place, and was disappointed when the local Washington County Party Dems voted against a resolution to endorse that. Metsger sounds like he could really get more grass roots progressive politics moving.
Congressional Rep 1st District:
I'm not sure about David Robinson vs. David Wu primary. David Wu is a 100% improvement over my old reps in San Diego (Duke Cunningham and then Brian Bilbray), but he's no Pete DeFazio, who could motivate me to go out and actively campaign for him if he were my rep. Some have noted that he's not really been that active about many issues except supporting activist movements in China (like situation in Tibet, etc.) as a native Taiwanese immigrant. Robinson wants to increase trade and engagement with China, which I think isn't necessarily a good stance, since though I want to help the U.S. and Oregon economy, I do feel that some stances should be taken towards China's controversial policies, which I do like what Wu is doing there. But there is validity that Wu's not really done much to work on many other issues here that affect us here in Oregon, and that he did vote for the bankruptcy bill, along with just "going along with the crowd" that often takes us down roads that support more the corporatists than being independent and supporting the grass roots like a Defazio would. I'd like a contender in the primary that would talk about doing such things. Not sure that Robinson is that person though. He's not really been pushing on many other populist issues, so I probably will ultimately vote for Wu.
Perhaps in 2012 it would be a better time to look for another alternative if Wu doesn't do much the next term. And there's a lot of GOP candidates that are potentially more threatening this time around than last time too, so definitely want to keep supporting Wu over one of them if he gets the nomination.
Portland Metro:
Will vote for both state props and for the Metro here in Portland will support Bob Stacey for Metro County president. Met him at a fundraiser and saw him in a debate and he seems like a good guy. Tom Hughes seems the most conservative of the three, and Burkholder would also get my support as the incumbent, but both of these guys are looking to throw a lot of money at a big bridge over the Columbia which I'm not sure is a wise thing from a financial perspective, when there are other alternatives that Stacey is looking at.
A lot of other local candidates that I won't go in to detail here. A lot of unchallenged races. Wondering if there are any out there that people should be just left blank, or if there's a valid write-in campaign against. Most of them seem reasonable, but there are a few here and there (judges, etc.) that have ruled in some cases in ways that I'd vote against.
One big local race that sounds like we should vote for in Washington County is that County Commissioner at Large position. Dick Schouten seems to be a clear pick there.