West Cascade Energy has revived Enron's proposal for a massive power plant in the Southern Willammette Valley to provide power for out-of-state customers. This will negatively impact air quality from Cottage Grove to Corvallis.
Get involved! Come to meetings every Tuesday night in Eugene from 6-8PM Washington Elementary School, 3515 Harlow Rd., in the cafeteria.
http://www.saveourvalley.com/from the website:
--Sufficient power generating plants are already under development in the Pacific Northwest to meet our community's projected power needs; and,
--The potential damage to the air quality, water levels, wildlife and riparian ways resulting from a new power plant just five miles north of Eugene far outweigh the community's possible economic gain; and,
--Our unique weather patterns, including strong inversion layers and high precipitation, will exacerbate the accumulation of smog and acid rain in the valley.
"It's hard to remember that the Number 1 agricultural county in America 60 years ago was Los Angeles County. They obviously made some choices."
--Duncan Wyse, President of Oregon Business Council