Monday, President's Day, thousands will converge on Salem to share stories of education cuts with lawmakers. The educational funding crisis is nationwide. In Oregon, thousands of education professionals, from bus drivers to teachers, to secretaries and custodial staff, teachers and special education assistants, are preparing themselves for additional layoffs and salary cuts. Economic development in Oregon and across the nation depends on an educated workforce. When schools close, students are not being prepared for adulthood. When cut days are the norm students are not learning communications skills, teamwork skills, and understanding the importance of having a strong work ethic.
For one hour you can stand with us and be the voice of children in Oregon who are facing the most difficult moments in history. They want to be in school. They want the chance to learn. They want an opportunity to know their teacher can spend individual time with them to solve a problem or point them in the right direction. For every adult that stands on the steps in Salem on Monday at noon one child in one classroom will have a voice.