You should already have your ballots now. As a single unemployed guy without kids, I'm out there canvasing neighborhoods and phone banking for this effort to make sure people understand that we really can't afford to not invest in our kids, and why it is ALL of our responsibilities to make sure this happens, not just those with families and kids.
The nation will be watching this election along with the recalls in Wisconsin amongst other elections coming soon to get a barometer of how much our country is waking up to the attack on schools and teachers that our Republicans are inflicting on a public that hasn't been prepared for it. We need to send a strong message to them that we won't put up with their crap! Fortunately we have a reasonable governor and a legislature that has enough Democrats in it not to inflict the damage that some in the midwest have had.
Fron the feedback I got on Saturday, I think the teacher levy measure is in better shape than the money measure for school maintenance, etc. Remind people that with the earthquake in Japan, and the increased risk of earthquakes all along the West Coast (and yes we do have risk of a big one in the Puget Sound area up in Washington close by), we really can't afford not to get many of these schools upgraded to be better prepared for any such event.
Some links for more info and what you can do...