The house just yesterday passed an DHS/OHA Budget bill that Increases OMMP Fess by 2000% (not a typo). This places the burden of balancing the budget (paying for Corporate Welfare Programs) upon people in hospice, the severely disabled, people who are in care facilities and residential care, amongst others who are severely injured, ill and unable to work.
They think they are gonna close a several Million Dollar gap on those who's services they just cut across the board and who, if lucky get a few hundred a month to live on.
In essence they just created a whole new pool of criminals from otherwise law abiding citizens. Those who are unable to pay the inc "Stay Out Of Jail" fees will drop from the program and not have protection under the law. The Added financial burdens placed upon the most needy will cause an upsurge upon all other available services. They think they are going to usurp an additional $7Million from Oregon's poorest of the poor.
We need an attitude adjustment (new Sens/Reps)in Salem and Quick.
You know, people who honor the State Constitution and understand the Dems Mission Statement and Small Gov't Ideology of the Pubs.
This day they may be Steamrolling SB817 (directly benefits Wall Street) which allows for Several Million in Corp Welfare Tax Breaks/Credits-Plus they already passed SB801 ($93 Million Business tax creds/breaks)and probably more I haven't found yet.
I know that several different bills Increased fees across the board.
Ironic isn't it? A Dem Gov, a Dem controlled Senate and an evenly split House. When the Dems do this kinda crap, it goes on quietly and hidden in the bills and behind closed doors, when the pubs do it, they get in your face.
To call Toll Free-Salem Capitol 800-332-2313 and here is the
Oregon Governor's Citizen Representative Contact Info
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To speak with the Gov's Rep: 503-373-1027
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This was an interesting evaluation of a few of OR Lawmakers in the PDX/Metro area