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So, after Wu...who?

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Rabblevox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-28-11 06:25 AM
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So, after Wu...who?
Edited on Thu Jul-28-11 06:40 AM by Rabblevox

The two Brad's (Avakian and Witt) are definite candidates, and Elizabeth Furse has been mentioned as a possible. One of the biggest questions right now is when the Governor will call the election. If it's within 80 days of Wu's official resignation, then candidates will be chosen by convention. After 80 days (which is how Oregon usually does it) there would be an open primary before the election.

Personally, I'm not that inspired by any of them, but I'd give my vote to Furse based on her experience. I wish Steve Novick would move into the district and run, but that's not gonna happen. / / / /

At least we know the seat stays blue.
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-30-11 04:13 PM
Response to Original message
1. My state rep Susan Bonamici is also looking at running...
Edited on Sat Jul-30-11 04:21 PM by cascadiance
I've talked to her some at Washington County Democratic meetings. I made a comment that right before July 4th holiday that I hoped that Obama would allow for a senate recess to allow him to do a recess appointment then for Elizabeth Warren, and she responded behind me in sympathy with me but also just as doubtful that it would happen. So I think her heart is in the right spot, but don't quote me on that.

and announcing her newer campaign now...

A place to go this weekend perhaps would be to the Washington County Fair, where the Washington County Dems will have a booth there, and I'm betting some of these and other pols will be around this booth, and you can talk to them about what we should do next and who would be good to look at for Wu's seat and why.

Here are the directions to get there near the airport in Hillsboro.

BTW, we should all be asking these candidates and others we meet here WHY David Wu was one of just 11 Democrats that just voted against Reid's bill in the House. I thought he was staying in the House through the Debt Ceiling vote to HELP our party and our country get out of this mess, not stand in the way of some sort of resolution. We should at least get an explanation for this vote.
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Rabblevox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-31-11 05:54 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I don't know much about Bonamici, but her page stated no positions or accomplishments, just begged..
for money. VERY low-class, Susan. She pretty much lost my support before I knew anything about her.
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-31-11 07:22 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Just yesterday it had her full campaign site for her as a state rep...
Edited on Sun Jul-31-11 07:28 PM by cascadiance
Looks like her old campaign site page now redirected to her new page for congress, where it didn't earlier when I made this post. As the article noted, the page just went up, so I'd be patient to see what she publishes later. I wish I were her web master. I might try to get involved there if they need help and I decide I'd like to work on her campaign. I'd probably have advised getting rid of her old site until the newer site page was more developed.

Here's a google cached page (albeit crummy without proper image references, etc.) but you can get an idea of her stands on issues, etc.

cached page from older site on "issues"

Here's her official web page in the State legislature, with more info in it.

I'm not endorsing her yet over the other candidates, as I really need to get to know the others before I make a decision on who to get behind. I've just had a little more incidental contact with her in meetings than the others at this time, and wanted to note that she was one of the candidates here.

Keep in mind that she's at a financial disadvantage to someone like Avakian, who'd already been planning to do a primary challenge to Wu earlier, and has been collecting funds already and those going against him are going to have to pickup the pace to challenge him. That's probably why she has her donations page up now before she gets her full web site up.

I just feel we need to keep a very open mind now to get the most progressive person possible representing us in congress when we need those kind of people there most.
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Rabblevox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-01-11 11:18 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. You are right about keeping an open mind, and getting the most progressive person possible into ...
seat. I'll say that NO ONE who has expressed interest inspires me. Whether it's Avakian or Witt or Furse or Bonamici, they all look pretty much like hacks. In one of the most progressive districts in the nation, where is our Wellstone, or Sanders, or Kucinich?

OR-1st *should* be one of the proudest, most vocal districts in the country. What has happened to us?

Where is our smart iconoclast to speak truth to power? Why are we left with mid-level wannabe's?

Dear Steve Novick, PLEASE move into the district and run!
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-02-11 02:17 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Part of me had actually hoped that Wu wouldn't resign so we might have gotten Kucinich to come here.
... since he's been looking at running in the new district in Washington State. Thought he might want to come here instead. I'd do absolutely anything for him if he came here to run. But I don't think he'll leave his current district early to run in a special election here, so we need to find someone in the woodwork.

I'd actually thought that a good friend of mine from San Diego who had run briefly before pulling out of the special election against Bilbray for Duke Cunningham's seat some years back had moved up to here, when I came across a linked in page that made it look like he moved to Portland. But alas, it wasn't him. The timing was perfect if it was him, and I told him I'd go to bat for him if he wanted to run again. But he's back down in San Diego again after moving away from there a while.

There is one guy who's a pol from Tualitin I think in the state assembly or something like that who I've talked to on occasion at Washington County Dem meetings who I think has a pretty good progressive perspective on things. If after studying these other folk I'm not overly impressed, I'll ask him if we can talk him into running. Can't remember his name at the moment. There was also a guy that unsuccessfully proposed a vote on endorsing instant runoff voting at a meeting some months back. It unfortunately got voted down then I think by the more party loyalist types. Maybe if I look back through my notes, I can find out who that was who proposed that. He might be a decent one to try and recruit too.
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Rabblevox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-04-11 07:31 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. Interested to hear more about your Tualitin guy...
but anyone who proposes IRV is immediately seen as "lunatic fringe",and will not get Multnomah dems blessing. (the "machine" here is every bit as strong as East LA or South Chicago)

Sad for us.
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-08-11 07:25 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Found the guy from Tualitin. He's Gerritt Rosenthal who ran for HD 37 here...
Edited on Mon Aug-08-11 07:27 PM by cascadiance
Here's his video. Obviously a little more locally focused for this campaign on the environment, schools, etc. But I've enjoyed talking with him on occasion and like his perspective. Would like to talk more to him to find if he might want to move to Washington, or if he's too tied to making wine here locally (as this video shows!) :)

(I like in this second video how he even acknowledges that for some he might be "too progressive", which confirms my feelings about him).

He notes in this last video that he's a part of Onward, Oregon... Web site here.

If you like him as well, perhaps one of the upcoming meetings we can see if we can talk him in to running.

Williamette Week in one article I found claimed he was too focused on the environment though. So, it would be worth probing what he would do with other issues I think.
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mh74562 Donating Member (50 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-04-11 01:22 PM
Response to Reply #1
6. delete
Edited on Thu Aug-04-11 01:23 PM by mh74562
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-17-11 10:43 PM
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9. It looks like the field is set for the special election primary now...
Here's an information page on the special election primary, the general election, and the rules and deadlines for registration.

Note that this is for the existing district lines for this special election, not for the newer district that will be shifted for 2012.

It looks like the final list of candidates that are in the race is listed here too. I heard just over the weekend that the deadline was Monday this week, so we have to look at this list to see which candidate makes the most sense for us to get behind, even if perhaps from some of our points of view that none of them are perfect.

Brad Avakian -

Suzanne Bonamici -

Brad Witt -

Saba Ahmed -

Other declared candidates

The following persons have filed to run in the 2011 Democratic Special Primary but have no known campaign websites: Dominic Hammon, Robert Lettin, Todd Lee Ritter, and Dan Strite.

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LWolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-18-11 10:58 AM
Response to Reply #9
10. Those websites were interesting, not because of what they offered,
but what they lack: clear position statements on issues.

I'm not in district 1, so I can't vote anyway, but I wouldn't throw my support or vote to anyone until I knew where they stand on the issues that drive me.

Without clear position statements from them, can anyone tell me where they stand?

District 1 people, what do you think?
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0rganism Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-18-11 02:21 PM
Response to Reply #10
11. D1 person here - it's a difficult decision
Odds are, the pubs are going to run Cornilles again. We have to plan for that, and we're not getting a lot of helpful info to work with.

Like him or not, Rep. Wu had a pretty decent voting record, and I'd expect no less from whoever we run to replace him. Seems like the experienced candidates are focusing on their in-state histories, so we aren't seeing much about how they'd handle things at the federal level. Really, it's not their policy positions once they get to DC I'm worried about, it's the communications skills they'll need to get them there in the first place.

ATM I'm thinking our best bet would be one of the Brads. I'm starting to lean Witt, since he's younger and energetic, has a fair political record, and as a hunter he might appeal to some of the rural voters we'd lose otherwise. I think he can reel in support from the local technocrats, too. He needs to get out there with his campaign, though - Avakian has him beat at name recognition.
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LWolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-18-11 08:20 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. I'll be watching with interest from district 2.
I hope you get the best of the bunch, whomever that may be.
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-11 05:21 PM
Response to Reply #11
13. Don't know enough about Witt just yet, but have some concerns there...

It looks like a three way race at this point between Avakian, Witt, and Bonamici.

Interesting article here today about building trades support, and support for labor unions.

I think all three support labor unions, but Avakian probably is king there with his current position being one of authority in this area, and his long history of supporting union causes, etc.

Not sure exactly when this meeting happened. Whether it was today or last night. If it was last night, then the scheduling conflict would make sense, as Bonamici was at the Washington County Democrats meeting and the other two were absent from that despite being asked to give their "elevator speeches" there. If they were speaking at the other event, that would explain her "scheduling conflict" she mentions there.

Now, the bridge crossing project over the Columbia river has been a controversial one, and one that people on the left criticized in the Metro Council election battle in 2010 that utimately Hillsboro's slightly more conservative Tom Hughes Democrat won. So that isn't necessarily a clear measure of who the most progressive candidate is.

Note in the article the following paragraph, which is why I have a concern about Witt, and I'd like to hear more of some of his other accomplishments that might balance out this concern.


Witt also focused heavily on his support for the controversial – and now defunct – proposal to build a liquefied natural gas terminal at Bradwood Landing near Astoria. And he also noted that he was a prime sponsor of a measure passed this year by the Legislature that aids the siting of pipelines, electrical transmission lines and other linear projects. House Bill 2700 was passed over the objection of some environmental groups and was opposed by Bonamici, which some building trades officials said would make it harder for her to win their support.

Avakian said after the appearance that he had not taken a position on the Bradwood Landing project but said he did support the linear project bill.

Avakian didn't take a stand here, but Witt's stand seems to have me a bit concerned on what he would do on regulating energy like natural gas, coal, etc. if he were in the congress.

If you google Bonamici, her forte is more with helping defend consumer rights, that's she's been involved with in her legal career even before becoming active in Oregon's state government, and she's been heavily involved with many of the state's bills that deal with protecting consumers on things like foreclosures. She looks to have a good voting record on labor issues as well, even if she hasn't been as active as someone like Brad Avakian has been over the years.

While at the meeting last night, the Pakistani candidate Saba Ahmed spoke there as well. I liked her as a person and she was one to come out strongest on ending our war presence in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, which she's been heavily lobbying for recently in Washington. She also addressed some stances on economic and other issues that sounded like they were decent stances, but she seemed more focused on the issues of getting us out of the wars. She's probably too much out of the running for the nomination, but it was good to hear her talk too. It looks like Avakian and Witt both were cited in the article for having taken strong stances on getting us out of these wars too, perhaps prompted by her strong advocacy on these issues so that they don't lose too many votes if she gets heard.

When talking to at least one other attendee, I think this person liked all candidates at this point, but this person favored Avakian because he's a "fighter". And I do have to agree with the notion that whoever we nominate, we need someone that's willing to fight the battles that need to be fought, and not be too complacent which is a disease affecting too many Democrats in Washington now. I still haven't made up my mind, but I'll be measuring Bonamici and Witt with that in mind too to see how much I think they'll be willing to stand up and fight at appropriate times too. That is an essential characteristic that all "new Democrats" (and not the "new" Democrats that the Blue dogs, etc. like to call themselves) that we elect have. We need to replace those that are too much the compromisers with those that stand hard for our values and don't back down.

I'm probably going to choose between Avakian and Bonamici. If Avakian is the fighter that also stands on a lot of the principles that I feel are most important, I will solidly support him, which is exactly what labor needs today. But I'm also wondering if it would be cool if Oregon would get a woman in its congressional delegation, and someone like Bonamici could work together with an also newly elected Democrat Elizabeth Warren in the Senate to craft a bill to move through congress that would really put in place many consumer protection measures this country sorely needs too. That would be cool to see that sort of new "movement" happen as well.
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