message below from our friends at Portland JwJ regarding OccupyPortland.
Who is ready to stand up to Wall Street?
This Thursday, Oct. 6, Portland will be joining the now world-wide movement that began three weeks ago in New York City. As most of you have likely heard, hundreds of people have been camping out on Wall Street in an action that has managed to capture the spotlight, and channel people's anger at the folks who really are to blame for the mess this country is in.
Organized labor--from AFSCME to the Transport Workers Union--are joining in. Over 120 U.S. cities, and dozens more in 17 countries, have similar actions planned. While it may not be entirely clear where this is all headed, this really does seem to be a movement focused on the right target, and we should be a part of it.
At our Steering Committee last night, Jobs with Justice decided to organize a labor and community contingent to Thursday's march. We invite you to join us in whatever capacity makes sense. If you are able to bring your union banners, picket signs, drummers, bullhorns, etc., please do. If you just want to join as an individual, we will bring some extra signs. Again, it's not entirely clear what will happen, but we know enough about the plans, and the general message of solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, that we think a strong labor presence makes sense. There will be a march, and possibly the start of an occupation similar to Wall Street's. Organizers are unlikely to get a permit at this late date, but the route will be announced, and the police have pledged to help deal with traffic and safety issues.
All of the publicity says the event starts at Noon, but the march is not going to actually start until around 2:30pm. Folks should feel free to join in with the General Assembly (planning meeting) at Noon, but we are going to gather as a contingent at 2pm, and be ready to march at 2:30.
Jobs with Justice/Labor Contingent
Meet up at 2pm (Thursday, Oct. 6)
Japanese American Historical Plaza - just North of the Burnside Bridge in Waterfront Park - NW Couch and Naito
The Occupy Portland General Assembly will start at Noon on the other side of the bridge, the march should start at 2:30pm.
More info: