Hopefully you are both old enough to know about Henry Rollins, and young-in-spirit enough to appreciate him.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_RollinsHe'll be at 2nd Ave. Records in downtown Portland, OR tomorrow between 4-6 pm, reading from his newest book, titled, ironically "Occupants".
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/514niCurIlL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpghttp://www.2ndavenuerecords.com/http://blogtown.portlandmercury.com/BlogtownPDX/archives/2011/10/21/henry-rollins-takin-pictures-signin-bookshttp://www.amazon.com/Occupants-Henry-Rollins/dp/1569768153He got his start as the front-man for punk/political group "Black Flag" in the 80's, and has consistently been one of the most fierce, coherent, and intellectual voices from the left. Here is his most recent column about the Occupation:
I was in Washington, D.C., a few days ago. I spent part of an afternoon at Liberty Plaza, watching the sidewalks fill up with people carrying sleeping bags and food. They were ready for a prolonged stay. I watched the police spreading out, with teams on corners, their faces grimly set. It hit me how serious all this has become.
I emerged from Penn Station hours ago here in Manhattan. Lots of cops clutching the heaviest firepower I have ever seen on NYPD. Apparently, Occupy Wall Street protesters were going to be marching.
Is the Occupy protest being taken seriously? Oh yes. The main indicator is how hard and often Fox News pundits and others on television and radio are going after the protesters. Glenn Beck is cross-eyed, with paranoid Method-acting rants. He predicts that he and his ilk will be taken into the streets and done great harm. Doubtful, but his wacky speak may still play to his ever-dwindling demographic, who are definitely to be avoided. The hysterics of the three professors on Fox & Friends are pathetic and forced. It's easy to tell that they're getting their marching orders to fill time, and that it's not going all that well for them. It is funny, however, to watch scripted people attempt to connect words and form sentences on their own and fail so miserably in front of a national audience.
Words cannot express how much I am enjoying witnessing the real fear that is coming from zero-traction hacks like P.J. O'Rourke. He recently buried himself on an episode of HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher when he characterized the protesters as clueless bongo-drum enthusiasts. Then there was Rep. Peter King of New York, who took a break from Islam-bashing to accuse the protesters of being anarchists. Sen. Rand Paul made a fool of himself trying to compare them to a "French mob." Ooh la la!