(x-posted to GD)
As Occupiers planted tents in Terry Schrunk plaza today, legendary muckracker/flip-flop aficionado Michael Moore paid the encampment a visit. A team set up a mic and PA system for him in the middle of a large circle, but Moore initially refused to stand in the middle of the group, wanting to stay on the sidelines "like one of you." TOO BAD, MOORE! That's the only working mic! Into the middle with you.
Moore's brief speech was basically a pep talk for the protesters. Noting that the federal plaza is in the shadow of the Wells Fargo building, Moore asked, "Who organized this protest? Wells Fargo! And Citibank! And BP!" He also got in a few jabs at Homeland Security and praised Occupy Portland's size. "Having traveled the country, you don't know who freakin' awesome this is. Portland! Portland! Portland! It's like the seat of our new democracy right here."
Moore ended by awarding Occupy Portland with the title of largest occupation in the nation, sparking a happy ruckus. In return, occupiers donned him with an Occupy Portland ball cap — they know his style well — and a Cascadia flag. His response: "I love Portland!" Then, swept off into a black SUV. End scene.
Okay, roll tape!
Cascadian flag:

http://cascadianow.org/Full Video (9 min):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slPqt9BHngU&feature=player_embeddedProbably 1500 people, all played well with others, a few police on the perimeter, but not interfering. The only jerks were the media (KGW, I'm especially looking at you) in their fetish for good vid/ they blocked him from getting to the mic for about 10 min, and basically acted like fucking demi-gods who owned the place. Oh well.
Also potential problems tonight, a few are planning on occupying another park. I'll keep y'all posted.
Great talk, great afternoon, ran into a few old friends, walked through the camps. They are much better organized than they were a few weeks ago, and the city is still giving no deadline (and not much interference) on the two main camps.
Occupy Portland rolls on!