Jim Rassmann was in Medford on Thursday to push back against the Dumbya desperation visit. General Merrill "Tony" McPeak flew his own plane to Medford on Friday. It was a visit that local Veterans for Kerry had arranged months ago, but it had the effect of giving us a very eloquent last word in this highly charged week. The article in today's Mail Tribune was stunning.
http://www.mailtribune.com/archive/2004/1016/local/stories/07local.htmThe web version of the McPeak story doesn't do it justice. The print version dominates Page Two with a lead-in banner and color picture at the top of Page 1. The headline really grabs your attention and the picture is huge. Later on in the paper there is color photo of one of the veterans at the event. People start receiving their ballots today and this story will have a big impact. I have always been proud to be an Oregonian, but today i am positively glowing with pride.