Received from a UO law student who works in our office:
First, the ballots were mailed out last Friday and therefore you should have received your ballot by now. If you or someone you know registered to vote in Oregon but has not yet received a ballot, stop by or call your country election office (Lane County Election Office at 275 W 10th (10th & Charnelton) 682-4234). All registered voters (voters who registered by October 12, 2004 and previously registered voters who have voted at least once in the past 8 years) can vote even if they changed their address since registering, messed up the ballot they received or have some other reason for not now having a valid ballot. You can have a replacement ballot issued by the County Election Official listed above. You need to complete and sign a replacement ballot request form. Before October 26th, you can call County Elections and request a replacement ballot be mailed to you. Before or after the 26th you can go to the county election office in person a request a ballot, fill it out and turn it in.
Second, the sooner you vote the sooner you'll stop getting those, by now, annoying phone calls from the Bush and Kerry campaigns. Both parties and a number of "non-partisan" groups have highly organized (but not coordinated) get out the vote (GOTV) campaigns going on which include canvassing and phonebanking. The parties can check at election headquarters to see who has already submitted their ballots (but not check as to how they voted!) and then stop bothering those folks while concentrating on the folks who are registered but have not submitted their ballots.