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This is fucked up

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sandnsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-26-04 02:06 AM
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This is fucked up
Just found this in my email, from the Lane Cty Vet Coordinator. Shit, I was just saying that I was relieved that things were remaining relatively calm. Then I read a report about a poll worker being choked in Florida; now this. Damn.

For those who were not there this is the story from our side.

Friday evening Kerry supporters were gathered on the Ferry Street Bridge area to wave and display signs of encouragement to Kerry supporters. This area has been used for traditional political statements for many years in this community and has seen a very wide variety of signs and statements. Normally the activities are peaceful and occupied by good natured folks of both sides as they make their statement.

Unfortunately this tradition of peaceful activism was broken Friday when members of a Bush contingent moved into an area already occupied by Kerry supporters and began trying to block Kerry signs. This naturally evoked a counter response on the part of some of the Kerry supporters who were upset that they were there first. The activity escalated until one rather intimidating male began to physically hit and shove a Kerry supporter with the pole that held his sign. When another Kerry supporter, XXXXXX, Lane Co. Coordinator of Veterans for Kerry, tried to intervene to stop the activity, the Bush assaulter charged and began to hit him with his fist. Subsequent events in an attempt to contain this violent individual ended up with several men on the ground struggling for control while this violent individual continued to hit XXXX's in the face and then his groin area. Other Bush supporters joined in and in one case kicked XXXX while he was on the ground while another got on his back and began to choke him. After the melee was finally broken up and the police arrived Bush supporters began making wild allegations about being pushed and harassed. Kerry witnesses confirm that nothing like this happened. There was some polite discussions attempted with the Bush sign holders over their beliefs and questions as to why they were trying to move into an area already occupied by others before the incident but no harassing activity occurred. Before the incident XXXX even contacted a few of the Bush supporters who were standing in a potentially dangerous area and invited them to move into the Kerry group to avoid the danger and assured them that no one would bother them. This offer was disregarded with some very negative remarks by those it was directed to.

No arrest were made when the police arrived and surprisingly participants had to demand a police report when the officer tried to put the assault off to an exercise in free speech. One couldn't help but wonder if that decision was based on the assaulter being a Republican. How the police could call it an exercise of free speech when an individual was using a weapon to hit another and then joined in with at least three others to assault XXXX which would just about reach the elements required for a felony assault is somewhat questionable.

As you will see pasted below in an intercepted email from the Republican's, they have instituted plans to take over the bridge. I personally do not want our image degraded by engaging in activity that would be so symbolic of the Republican philosophy of territorial aggression by possession. Sounds somewhat like the invasion of Irag when you think of it. A group of us will meet Tuesday to discuss our new strategy. We will not engage in physical contact or aggression towards these people. Instead we plan on using our minds and good common Democratic sense to identify a different strategy that will show them for the folks they are. Look forward to future plans on this issue. In the mean time, do not attempt to wave a sign on the bridge alone.
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no_hypocrisy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-26-04 05:29 AM
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1. Bush Brownshirts.
* is bad enough. Congress and the media working in partnership with * is worse.

What really gets me is watching how *'s antics is changing our culture, making it more savage, more divisive, and more Darwinian.

The repercussions will be felt long after November 2nd.
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