October 26, 2004
Political partisans don't pull punches
By Rebecca Nolan
The Register-Guard
Local Democrats and Republicans are blaming each other for throwing the first punch in a fistfight Friday at the Ferry Street Bridge, where both groups were waving signs endorsing their candidate for president.
It was the first time anyone can remember violence erupting between political rivals on the grassy area north of the Eugene Water & Electric Board buildings, a spot popular for its visibility to passing motorists. Opposing parties have peacefully touted their candidates side-by-side there for years.
The scuffle broke up before police arrived, and no one was seriously injured. But now each group is blaming the other for the lapse in civility in the final days before the Nov. 2 election.
Dueling e-mail messages are circulating around town, carrying differing versions of events and decrying the other party's attempts to stifle their opponents' right to freely express themselves.
end excerpt***********************************
Here is one of the e-mails (a reply to a reply) from the Repugs that fell into my hands. Notice that any Democrat is now a terrorist:
From: "Jay Bozievich" <>
Date: October 26, 2004 5:00:37 PM PDT
To: <name removed by central scrutinizer>
Subject: Re:
The County list has a leak... we will fix soon. If you read the e-mail
I only described the actions of "some" as terrorist tactics. I never called
the Democrats terrorist. But, how else do you describe actions of physical
violence against civilians that attempt to intimidate them? I had talked
with several women that were there on Friday and they were not plan on ever
coming back, my e-mail was intended to motivate those people that might have
been intimidated into standing up for their rights. I could have used a
different analogy in retrospect. So, until we plug the leak, we will be more
careful. Jay
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 11:22:55 -0700
Hey, Jay: these messages of yours are getting out in the public eye,
and they're starting to make Republicans look bad. Democratic
"Terrorists"?!? If you get any more hysterical, you'll start foaming
at the mouth. I don't think this really helps the cause.
<name removed by central scrutinizer>
Fellow Republicans,
Just as our President refused to be intimidated into withdrawing from the
war on terror, we shall refuse to be intimidated from using our First
Amendment Rights by the terrorist actions of some Kerry supporters!
On Friday night, some Kerry supporters resorted to verbal and physical
terrorism in order to try and stop the Republicans from waving signs at the
Ferry Street Bridge. We need to show them that we will not give in to these
kind of tactics by showing up in force on Monday.
I am moving the start time up to 3:30 p.m. so we can get out there first
and occupy the prime locations along the road. here is the official
schedule for sign waving:
Monday, Oct. 25th 3:30-6p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 27th 7-9 a.m.
Friday, Oct. 29th 3:30-6 p.m. (Ducks at home, lots of traffic)
Monday, Nov. 1st 3-6 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 2nd 7-9 a.m. (Election Day!)
If there is enough interest, I will expand the the schedule.
Lets show the D's that Bush supporters don't run from terrorist!
Jay Bozievich, Communications Director
Lane County Bush/Cheney '04 Committee