Nazareth Area divides over $4.5 million pool for middle school,0,6902120.story?coll=all-newslocaleaston-hed(snip) Whether to include a pool as part of the Nazareth Area School District's new seventh- and eighth-grade building has become a calling card of sorts for residents frustrated with what they see as a free-spending district. The cost for the proposed natatorium, which includes an eight-lane swimming pool, diving well, locker room, showers and coaches offices, is $4.5 million, according to Bob Furst, the project's architect. (A $4.5 million pool for just two grades!)
(snip) The board also wanted to study an offer from Nazareth YMCA, which said the district could lease its pool at a cost comparable to the $10,000 a year the district pays Wilson. But swim team supporters say the Y pool is too small, making it difficult for spectators, and the water is 2 degrees warmer than recommended by the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association. (2 degrees warmer! Can't have that!)
Nazareth High School has a state-of-the-art stage/theater where the Miss PA pagent is held. Parkland High has padded bleacher seats. Saucon Middle School has a rock climbing wall. Bethlehem School District wants to provide lap-top computers to every student. These are only a few examples of the Lehigh Valley's Taj Mahal schools.
My high school had no pool, no swim team. We shared another school's football stadium, and the games were played Saturday mornings because we couldn't afford lights. Thirty-five years ago, we didn't have half the amenities these schools have, but we still had significantly higher SAT scores. Gov. Rendell has promised property tax relief, but my school taxes have gone up every year for over twenty years. Where does it end?