Report cites ongoing Department of Justice Investigation
Pittsburgh, PA, September 12, 2008 - The Washington Post and The McKeesport Daily News cited a report naming U.S. Congressman Tim Murphy (R-PA) among our country’s most corrupt leaders.
According to the report, Tim Murphy is the subject of an on-going Department of Justice investigation for the repeated misuse of his Congressional staff for campaign activities. Murphy has been using the taxpayers’ money to fund his re-election efforts, according to several former staff members.
“Tim Murphy needs to be honest and provide the voters with a full and complete explanation of the accusations by his own staff,” said Mike Dineen, spokesman for Steve O’Donnell. “Pennsylvania voters are not well-served by a Congressman who continues to operate under a cloud of suspicion.”
“Pennsylvanian families deserve to have their hard-earned tax dollars spent on creating high quality, long-term jobs in our region, solving the Nation’s energy crisis and ensuring that all Americans have affordable, quality healthcare. Their tax dollars should not be spent for Tim Murphy’s re-election efforts,” said Steve O’Donnell.
For further information on this report visit
http://www.citizensforethics.org/node/34046 .
*If you have any further questions contact Campaign Manager Michael Dineen at (724) 323-3764 or email him at Miked@electodonnell.com*