Mayor Ravenstahl's slogan on all his signs is 'Getting it Done'.
And they're everywhere.
Honestly what HAS he done? Is "Getting it done" enough? This isn't a pass fail class. We need more than 'get it done' we need to take new steps towards making Pittsburgh a center for Biotech, Robotics, and Green technology. We need to have a leader with the vision to improve our public transportation infrastructure with future ideas, not past ones.
I had high hopes for Ravenstahl. I thought someone young might be able to step up and be a visionary leader, but I was wrong. He fell into the corrupted clutches of the Gang of 400 faster than imaginable. They slandered Peduto last time, and I fully expect them to do so to Patrick Dowd this time. Not that they really need to, given that the machine is so behind Ravenstahl that Dowd really has no chance money wise.
Pittsburgh needs more than someone who is just gonna 'get it done'. We need someone who has more vision than that.