In fact, and in race for Judge it is common, for people to register as a candidate for BOTH The Democratic and Republican Parties, if you win BOTH parties primaries you are BOTH parties candidates for the fall election.
All a person need is enough people who is registered with whatever party primary they want to run for. In my county we are selecting two judges and when one candidate asked me to sign the petition to get on the ballot, I was asked my party registration and the candidate then pulled out the petition for that party. Once enough register voters for that party signs the petition, it is filed with the County and the candidate is on BOTH parties ballot. No need to change party registration, you can be registered as a Republican, but if you get enough Registered Democrats to sign your petition you are on the ballot for the Democratic Primary.
Furthermore Write in candidate can win a ballot, if enough write in voters write in that candidate's name. Use to be called "Sticker" Campaigns, for the candidate would print out stickers for the voters to paste on the old Voting Machines. Today with electric voting you have to type in the candidate name, but whoever gets the most votes win that parties nomination for that office, even if the candidate is a member of the other party.
Pennsylvania does NOT require a candidate of a party to be a member of that party, only that the candidate received the most votes in the primary of that party.