author associates his mentality to that of George W Bush. If we dwelled on the
past and 2005, Number9D... Joe Sestak was still an independent and not even a member
of the Dem party until his opportunity struck.
Anyways, you seem to be "living in the past", whereas the Democratic party to be successful in
policy and elections needs to be concerned about the future. Since you're focusing on the
past, at odds with Sestak's "its about the future" quote... we can point to Sestak's past and
present support of the "surge", funding the war, and Dick Cheneys office to show that he is most
certainly not someone who we want to have making debt riddled decisions now about our future.
Point being--- even though you dislike it Number9D, "kool-aid" stains and all... your candidate
Sestak is going to be held to the same standard as Specter. And on that point, atleast Specter
is getting it. Sadly cannot say the same for Sestak.