Dr. Rick Saladino, chief of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Children's, went to the airport this morning and rode back with a group of orphans on one of the buses.
"Most of them were interactive, smiling, trying to figure out the electronic phones during the bus ride," Dr. Saladino said. During the ride, each child had a "buddy" -- either from the Red Cross or Catholic Charities or the hospital, and many of the younger ones were clinging to an adult when they entered the hospital's emergency entrance.
The children seemed happy and were well-behaved on the bus trip, which took them into the city over the West End Bridge, said Tom Kneier, deputy executive director of Catholic Charities. When they became excited at their view of the city, Mr. Kneier asked a translator what they were saying.
"They were just amazed by the size of the buildings," he said.
Read more:
http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10019/1029348-100.stm#ixzz0d6ZDManXA bit of fear and trepidation can be seen in the eyes of this youngster, as he arrives at Children's Hospital with more than 50 other orphans.