"Specter warned President George W. Bush not to nominate Supreme Court judges who might overturn Roe V. Wade. He voted to water down the Bush tax cuts. He sponsored an immigration reform bill in 2006, opposed school choice in the District of Columbia, supported Eric Holder for attorney general when conservatives tried to block him, and on and on.
This newspaper has agreed with Arlen Specter on many issues and disagreed with him on many others, but he has ably represented the Keystone State. He has brought billions of federal dollars to our cities and towns. Recently, he helped deliver a new Harrisburg federal courthouse to the site preferred by most residents.
He has proved himself a sorely needed independent voice in the U.S. Senate. And, by and large, he has reflected the views of millions of Pennsylvanians who would describe themselves as fiscally conservative and socially moderate.
Arlen Specter deserves the Democratic primary nod and a rematch with Pat Toomey in the fall."