A Pennsylvania Adoptee Rights Call to ActionEnd Adult Adoptee Inequality In PennsylvaniaPromote Adoptee Rights in PA, Help STOP HB 1968
HB 1968 is a bill pending in the House of Representatives Health and Human Services Committee. It impacts the portion of law governing the right of Adult Adoptees to access their Non-Identifying and Identifying information. By Adoptee Rights standards, it does not improve the law but rather makes it worse. Read the bill here. Read our Position Statement on HB 1968 here. For help drafting a letter (or email) to a legislator, see our Guide Letter here.
4 Ways to Take Action and STOP HB 1968 Now!
1. Contact Legislators:
a.) Contact your Representative and make sure they know you do not support HB 1968.
b.) If your Representative is a co-sponsor (see the list below), please ask them to withdraw their sponsorship of HB 1968.
Contact information for these Representatives will be provided at the bottom of this document.
2. Brush Up on the Issue: HB 1968 forces too many issues together and fails to provide equality to Adult Adoptees. Reunion, contact, and sharing of medical information are personal and private issues that should be handled between citizens rather than under government or agency micromanagement. Adult Adoptees should have unrestricted access to their own Original Birth Certificate as a matter of right to equality under the law. We lay out Adoptee Rights arguments, the rebuttals to common misconceptions, and provide links to documents, court cases and research to help you explain this important cause. Check out our education page found here. A Guide Letter to help you draft your letter or email to your legislator can be found here.
3. Follow us on Facebook: Do you have a Facebook page? “Like” our page, found at
http://facebook.com/adopteesrightspa. Invite everyone on your friends list to “like” our page too. It doesn’t matter if they do not live in PA or if they are not directly impacted by adoption. Anyone who is interested in or a friend of Adoptee Rights can “like” our page and by doing so, show legislators the interest that there is in our cause.
4. Join Our Mailing List: Facebook is one way to follow us but we also have a mailing list which is a great way to get urgent calls to action right in your email inbox. Have your name counted as a member of our organization by joining our mailing list at our Google Group page found here:
http://groups.google.com/group/AdopteeRightsPA. More information and many links: