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PG Editorial: If senator knew about tampering, she must resign.

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Divernan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-06-11 08:18 AM
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PG Editorial: If senator knew about tampering, she must resign.
Edited on Sun Mar-06-11 08:27 AM by Divernan
Referring to the tampered documents as shocking and changing what had been a dark cloud to an ominous shadow over Jane Orie's head (I would have written it was an ominous shadow over her bleached, teased, frowzy, 1970's, truckstop-waitress hairdo), the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's lead Sunday editorial (the week's most powerful spot for an editorial) to called for her resignation. Read it and smile!

Sunday, March 06, 2011
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
(snippets, with emphasis added in all caps by moi)

"Ms. Orie's defense attorney, William Costopoulos, called the judge's claims outrageous (although the judge was backed up by a handwriting expert) and insisted there was no evidence that anyone on the defense was responsible for the altered documents. But with NO ONE TO BENEFIT FROM THE FORGERIES BY THE SENATOR and her co-defendant, sister Janine Orie, that is HARD TO BELIEVE.

"The tampered documents were introduced by the defense, based on Jane Orie's identification of them while she was on the stand, testifying under oath. AS AN ATTORNEY, Ms. Orie surely understands the gravity of this situation, far more than any criminal defendant not schooled in the law.

"Ms. Orie cannot afford simply to pursue any legal challenges she may have to Judge Manning's ruling or wait for the outcome of an investigation by prosecutors. If she was not aware of what was done -- almost undoubtedly on her behalf -- SHE MUST CONDUCT AN INVESTIGATION ON HER OWN. Regardless of the outcome, and no matter who was responsible, she must give her constituents a complete accounting.

"If Ms. Orie and her legal team did know, they must SPARE TAXPAYERS THE EXPENSE OF A SECOND TRIAL and her constituents the dishonor of clinging to her Senate seat. It has been a cliche in American politics since the Watergate scandal brought down President Richard M. Nixon that THE COVER-UP CAN BE MORE DAMNING THAN THE CRIME. If that is not true of Ms. Orie, she must clear the air.
Read more:

Good job, Post-Gazette!

Knowing the Orie family as I do, I think they will coagulate (as it were) to force Janine to fall on a sword so Jane can hang onto her state senate office. But still, Jane testified under oath that she recognized these documents and they were legit. I recall the prosecutor even asked her if they had been altered and she said they had not.
First published on March 6, 2011 at 12:00 am

Let's start casting the Law and Order 2 parter. Sam Waterston of course as the DA. Maybe Jeff Bridges with a moustache as Judge Manning cause Jeff Manning is a "Dude" kind of guy. I can just hear Jeff delivering the line:
"Ray Charles could see that signature was doctored,"
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wisteria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-06-11 11:10 AM
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1. It is questionable as to why there has not been more of an outcry about this trial
and the "forgery". If I were to put on my tin foil hat, I would suggest that the defense did this on purpose so that a mistrial would be declared and then possible no new trial every achieved. Even though a new date for trial has now been set, it appears the defense is going to continue to appeal.
It galls me, how underhanded Republicans are in our state, and now that they control all branches of government, I only expect it to get worse. Thank goodness for the Philly paper, I know the one in my area-the Tribe, we sweep anything questionable done by Repubs under the rug.
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