article that looked at the people Corbett appointed to lead his transition team to develop educational policies for PA. It is the equivalent of Cheney's secret energy task force.
Almost everyone has strong ties to charter schools, for-profit education, private schools, religious schools, tea party groups or libertarian politics, including two of the top lobbyists for charter schools.
There were a couple token members, such as the presidents of two state universities and one community college, but no representatives from public school systems, public school teachers or Penn State. Temple is only representated by a boardmember, not a top administrator. The two historically African-American public colleges are not represented.
City public schools are completely un-represented, although they educate over 25% of school studdents.
The people behind the largest political contribution in Pennsylvania history are also well-represented - in one month, they gave over $3 million to Sen. Williams for a governor race in which he had no chance, just to push privatization of current public school funding.