Edited on Fri Mar-25-11 08:22 AM by DebJ
My husband, who is one year from being able to take retirement, keeps saying that the Pennsylvania legislature has introduced a bill that would allow school districts to make layoffs that disregard seniority protections, in order for the districts to save more money by laying off teachers that are paid the most money instead of the newest teachers.
I'm not a lawyer, but I keep saying to him that can't be legal; the state can't step in and void a contract between two independent parties when both agreed upon that contract. But I do know that one party to a contract can go to court to get the contract or provisions in a contract voided if it becomes impossible for one party to perform the contract or portions therein...but this would be generated by the parties in the contract, not by an outside source.
Does anyone know if this is true?
My husband, who has always been able to sleep at will for stretches up to eleven hours, now can barely get 5 hours a night. He has heart trouble and diabetes, and I'm getting worried. He's just not the kind of guy to ever worry about much of anything...to the point of being really annoying, almost careless, we've actually fought over him not worrying about things. To see him like this is breaking my heart, and I fear could take his life.
He has been in the inner city schools for 28 years. As I said above, he is eligible for full retirement after one more year of teaching (not that we can afford that, because we would have to pay $1500 a month to continue health care, but at least we could choose either health care or a home...) He is in his early 60s. If he is laid off, no one will hire him. Even getting daily sub work would be difficult, and that pays less than $18k a year, even if you work every day.
If he were to get laid off, we will lose everything, because I can't find work either: I just got my teaching cert a few years ago in my early 50s. My previous skills in office management are now useless and I can't do the physical labor I once did in restaurant management. We would not only lose our home; we would lose health care, too. We both had previous problems in our lives and had just started over again with this marriage and house and new happy life 8 years ago. If we lose everything now, there is no way we would ever be able to recover.
We would become human disposables in our disposable society: use a man up to teach inner city kids for three decades; let him take all the verbal and physical abuse from students; let him be held responsible for teaching students that don't want to learn and fight working all of the time; then throw him away.