Subject: 2nd Poll shows Corbett's public support vanishing faster than Punxatawney Phil in a fracking caused earthquake!
The GOP should read these and weep.
Quinnipiac polls for Feb. & March:
In February, 11% of PA voters disapproved; 50%-no opinion; 39% approved
ONE MONTH LATER: 37% disapproved; 24% - no opinion; 39% approved.
Also for your viewing pleasure,look at the prestigious Public Policy Polling report taken April 7 - 10;
44% of PA voters DISAPPROVED of Corbett & only 34% approved, 22% - no opinion.
In a nutshell, Corbett's disapproval rating has soared from 11% to 44% in only TWO months. Keep it up Corbett! Those high disapproval ratings will peel off your GOP rubber stamp state house & senate majorities' support.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The Associated Press
HARRISBURG -- A poll released early Wednesday morning shows Pennsylvania voters are divided over Gov. Tom Corbett's performance.
The Quinnipiac University poll found that 39 percent of the state's voters approve of the job Mr. Corbett is doing, while 37 percent disapprove. Twenty-four percent expressed no opinion.
The results reflected a sharp increase in voters who hold negative opinions. In a February poll, only 11 percent said they disapproved of Mr. Corbett's performance but 50 percent expressed no opinion.
The latest poll found 55 percent of women felt Mr. Corbett's proposed budget cuts are unfair, while only 45 percent of men felt the same.
Read more:************************************************************************************************* A poll released yesterday shows that the Republican governor now has a 34 percent approval rating, while 44 percent of voters disapprove.
More dramatic, however, is what the Public Policy Polling report says voters want to do about it. When voters were asked if they could do it over again, they’d now vote for Democrat Dan Onorato instead by a 49-44 margin over Corbett, pictured.
So much for the nine-point spread by which Corbett, the former Attorney General, defeated the Allegheny County Executive in November, when a national wave of GOP enthusiasm tamped down Democratic voter turnout in the non-presidential year.
The North Carolina pollster surveyed 593 Pennsylvanians between April 7-10. They are rated one of the most accurate pollsters for swing state results.