To amend our constitution, a proposed amendment would have to be voted on and passed in two consecutive elections. It will be a cold day in hell before the legislature would support referendums.
That's how citizens in some other states take control of issues and then why would the lobbyists bribe, I mean make campaign contributions to, provide free meals for, host outings to college and pro sports events, etc. elected representatives? And if the legislators couldn't sell their votes to lobbyists and amass big fat campaign funds, how would said legislators fool the gullible voters with massive and manipulative advertising into reelecting them?
The voucher program is how Catholic Governor Corbett will save all the struggling Catholic schools - by providing vouchers. I'm sure he's the toast of Opus Dei!
Corbett's home parish in Glenshaw, St. Mary's Church of Pine Creek, sits on two adjacent lots of 12 acres (assessed valued at $3,811,000) and 19 acres (assessed value, $2,099,700). Those numbers are courtesy of Allegheny County Tax Assessment website. That's over 30 acres of pristine woodlands and $6 million dollars worth of property on which NO property tax is paid. It's in a prime real estate area, filled with expensive homes. The church and school need no more than two acres of land. The rest should have been residentially developed and become a source of property tax for the community.
However, as long as Corbett's church owns all that land, and since the Governor and his toadies keep insisting that fracking is a safe and environmentally clean operation, why not have the church allow fracking on its 30 acres? Think of all the money which the church could thereby raise to devote to implementing Christ's teachings to feed the poor, care for the sick, house the elderly, etc. Why that one church alone could fund the AdultBasic health care program for the working poor for decades, and subsidize all the Catholic grade schools in impoverished areas of Allegheny County. If fracking is OK for our state colleges, it should be just fine for Corbett's church. If Corbett expects our state college students to study with thousands of tractor trailer tanks driving across their campuses, and breathe the toxic fumes from the fracking chemicals, why not the parochial students and church goers?
Allegheny County property parcel #s: 617-H-75, and 617-M-148
2510 Middle Road, Glenshaw, PA - right smack on top of Marcellus Shale! a look at the map at the above link and envision all the fracking wells which could be drilled on those 30 acres. How about it, Governor? You expect all Pennsylvanians to sit back and let you destroy our air, our water, our health and our property values to benefit your out-of-state campaign contributors.
Here's a fine opportunity for you to lead the way by wreaking this destructive practice on your own community and church!
(Note, although I am a lapsed/recovered Catholic myself, I would have the same opinion of Corbett's hypocrisy no matter what denomination church to which Corbett belonged.)