Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center has recommended ways that PA. can reduce costs and close tax loopholes to avoid drastic cuts in funding to public schools and colleges. Article excerpts:
"Crack down on Medicaid provider fraud: Some estimates have found that 7.9% to 13% of Medicaid provider bills costs are fraudulent. Rebalance long-term care: Pennsylvania spends 22% of the long-term care budget on home- and community-based services. Raising the average to just 25% would allow the commonwealth to access a higher federal matching rate, saving $248 million in 2012.
PA’s prison population has skyrocketed by 500% between 1980 and 2010, and costs have grown to $1.8 billion. Most state prisoners are not violent offenders, but strict mandatory sentencing guidelines have filled the prisons. States like Michigan and Texas have used treatment programs and other evidenced-based strategies to reduce prison populations.
Close the Delaware loophole: Tax loopholes allow large multistate and multinational corporations to shift income earned here to tax-haven states like Delaware, leaving little or no income on the books in PA. This loophole should be closed — $500 million to $600 million."
Other proposals at the linK;
Enact a drilling tax on producers of natural gas
Opt-out of federal “bonus depreciation”:
Close the tobacco tax loophole:
End the sales tax vendor discount giveaway:
Close the Amazon sales tax loophole: