column by Allentown Morning Call columnist Bill White, who has a long history on speaking out on animal cruelty matters and PA.'s past lack of enforcement.
"I wrote last time about the perception that the PA. Dept. of Agriculture is not interested in enforcing the state's tougher law governing dog kennels. I focused on a recent case in which the department, by law, had to revoke the kennel license of convicted animal abuser and chronic dog law violator John Zimmerman of Lancaster Co. — then turned around and granted a noncommercial license to his wife at the same location.
... the noncommercial designation exempts the Zimmerman operation from a raft of inspection categories that the kennel routinely failed.
...Gov. Corbett set off alarm bells by choosing Lynn Diehl, a bank manager with no background in animal welfare except her ownership of a dachshund, to lead the enforcement effort.
Nancy Gardner, a member of the Dog Law Advisory Board — which she says hasn't met since Corbett took office — and one of the many people whose efforts made the tougher law possible, told me, "We worked so hard to get a good law passed. It's so disheartening to see the
Department of Agriculture let it slide this way."